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Anti-Harassment Training for Employees – Connecticut Training

This training starts with defining unlawful harassment and inappropriate behavior in the workplace and providing strategies on recognizing, preventing, and reporting harassment. Next, the training covers abusive workplace conduct prevention and conflict management. Then learners will go through harassment prevention practice scenarios. Finally, there will be time at the end to review your company’s anti-harassment policy. This training meets the 2-hour requirement for Connecticut employees and is consistent with SB3.

Duration: 120 min

Packages:   HR

Platforms:    C6    Compligo    Content Controller    KPA Flex    RMC    Vera HR   Vera Suite

Training Options:   Online

Languages:    Spanish   English

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KPA’s training catalog offers award-winning training courses that are available online and onsite, led by our safety Risk Management Consultants. The courses, based on real-world scenarios and examples, are designed to help employees improve both their job performance and compliance.

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