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Building a Robust Cleaning & Disinfection Program for the Outpatient Setting Training

Pathogens can spread quickly in outpatient healthcare settings and research shows that less than 50% of healthcare surfaces are adequately cleaned and disinfected. In this training, we’ll discuss strategies for a robust environmental hygiene program to ensure your team is understands the role the environment plays in the spread of infections and how to prevent infections. Length: 60 minutes 1 CEU. Approval codes will be available on the course certificate upon completion of the course.

Duration: (60 min)

Platforms:   RMC

Training Options:   Online

Languages:   English

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KPA’s training catalog offers award-winning training courses that are available online and onsite, led by our safety Risk Management Consultants. The courses, based on real-world scenarios and examples, are designed to help employees improve both their job performance and compliance.

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