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Creating a Successful Technology-Based Brain Fitness Program for Older Adults Training

Cognitive decline, memory loss, and the threat of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) represent the greatest threat to the wellness and quality of life of seniors. Medical research conducted over the past two decades concludes that participation in rigorous, sustained brain fitness exercise (cognitive stimulation) is associated with a significant reduction in the risk for dementia. With practical and affordable computer-based brain fitness products now available, senior living providers have an important opportunity to improve the wellness and quality of life of their residents. Length: 60 minutes 1 CEU. Approval codes will be available on the course certificate upon completion of the course.

Duration: (60 min)

Platforms:   RMC

Training Options:   Online

Languages:   English

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KPA’s training catalog offers award-winning training courses that are available online and onsite, led by our safety Risk Management Consultants. The courses, based on real-world scenarios and examples, are designed to help employees improve both their job performance and compliance.

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