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Montessori Based Activity Programs and Services – An Emerging Best Practice Training

The Montessori method, originally developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and then adapted by Dr. Cameron Camp, offers a unique approach to the care of individuals with dementia. By adapting the environment to support aging in place and then offering tasks and activities in a manner which recognizes physical, cognitive and psychosocial abilities (rather than limitations), individuals with dementia are afforded the opportunity to remain engaged in meaningful life activities at their highest level. Length: 60 minutes 1 CEU. Approval codes will be available on the course certificate upon completion of the course.

Duration: (60 min)

Platforms:   RMC

Training Options:   Online

Languages:   English

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KPA’s training catalog offers award-winning training courses that are available online and onsite, led by our safety Risk Management Consultants. The courses, based on real-world scenarios and examples, are designed to help employees improve both their job performance and compliance.

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