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How to Seamlessly Transition to a Digital EHS Platform

Toby Graham

How to Seamlessly Transition to a Digital EHS Platform

Twenty years ago, the buzz was all about using Lotus Notes to capture and record safety program data. But, times have changed, and the spreadsheets of yesteryear are giving way to new, more effective, automated systems.

While many organizations are ready to make the transition away from manual methods, the biggest question many organizations face is, “How can make this switch from spreadsheets, or even paper in some cases, smooth and seamless?”

It’s a good question for sure, and we’ve got three essential tips to keep in mind to help simplify the process.

First, choose software that’s easy to use.

If you want people to use your system, it has to be easy. That’s why selecting software that focuses on the user experience is crucial. Select a tool you can use across the entire organization. Make sure employees in the field and those on the manufacturing line have quick and easy access.

Think mobile-enabled, too, because businesses need to put information-gathering tools literally in the palm of their employees’ hands.

And one more thing on ease of use is to make sure the digital tool is something that even the most un-tech-savvy employees can start using quickly and without any fuss. To accomplish this, consider inviting those employees into the process of selecting an EHS digital tool, so you can get their direct and candid feedback on just how easy it is to use and whether they had any issues with accessing or entering data.

Next, build your roadmap for a successful transition. 

This will involve gathering up all those paper checklists and any data you’re recording in spreadsheets. You’ll want to break everything down into a reasonable project plan and from there prioritize what to tackle first. Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to enlist an executive sponsor to ensure your initiative has buy-in from the top. Unsure how to get all this done? Check back next week, and we’ll help build your roadmap out in glorious detail.

Finally, focus on communication and training.

Your system’s not going to work if people can’t figure out how to use it. Consider things like:

  • How will people log in?
  • Has this information been communicated to everyone who needs to know how to use the system?
  • What type of training and feedback loops can you create to ensure that the software is being used and, just as importantly, appropriately used?

Show (don’t just tell) your employees the impact of using the technology on workplace safety.

Showing the impact can help an employee’s overall day-to-day work experiences, too.

For instance, let’s say a worker has some safety suggestions, and they want to enter those in real-time as they think of them. EHS software often has the built-in capability of sending immediate notifications to corporate managers, who can then adapt procedures and protocols to may that worker’s job safer right away.

Or, what about if someone just got hurt on the production floor. Having EHS software manage the data means the workers responsible for logging what happened won’t need to toggle among various spreadsheets.

Translation: Quicker and better outcomes for everyone—and these outcomes can foster a strong safety culture.

Looking for EHS Software that’s easy to use? You’re in the right spot.

KPA offers an EHS software platform tailored to the needs of your business. All-in-one system designed to engage your employees, instill a culture of safety, and enable regulatory compliance.



Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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