Wrapping Up National Safety Month: Focus on Hazard Recognition
As we wrap up National Safety Month, we wanted to take a moment and thank you all for joining us as we work to create safer workplaces.
In this final week, let’s talk about recognizing and reporting hazards. While some hazards might seem minor, from a burnt-out bulb to a cord stretched across a walkway, they can all create risks for us all. But if we can identify hazards early, they can be reported and addressed to prevent injury and illness.
Different Types of Hazards
According to the Nine Elements of a Successful Safety & Health System, hazards can be categorized into four different types:
- Chemical: For instance, inhaling, ingesting, or having your skin come into contact with some kind of chemical substance
- Physical: This could be slipping or falling, being struck by or against something, being exposed to fire or electrical hazards
- Biological: For example, being exposed to bloodborne pathogens, molds, wastewater, plant or insect poisons
- Ergonomic: This could be working in an awkward posture, repetitive work, forceful exertions, or workstation design
Here are some tools to help your employees recognize hazards:
KPA Training Courses:
Some Great Articles:
The Hierarchy of Controls: What It Is and How to Use It
Recognizing Hidden Dangers: 25 Steps to a Safer Office
NSC’s put together a whole host of great videos:
Thanks again for celebrating National Safety Month with us. We’ll do it again next year!
In case you missed it, here’s what we covered each week of National Safety Month:
Week 1: Emergency Preparedness
Week 2: Slips, Trips, & Falls
Week 3: Heat-related Illness
Week 4: Hazard Recognition