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Bite Back Against Mosquitos: How To Keep Them Under Control At Your Facility

Toby Graham

Bite Back Against Mosquitos: How To Keep Them Under Control At Your Facility

No one likes to get a mosquito bite and itch for days afterward.  More importantly, mosquitos can carry diseases such as the West Nile Virus. Here are some steps to help keep mosquitoes down to a dull whine in your facility.

Mosquitos breed in standing water, and their eggs do not hatch unless they are on or in water.  So your most effective way to prevent mosquito breeding is to eliminate any standing water on your property.

Places to look for standing water:

  • Containers or drums stored outside that are not capped or have open holes
  • Scrap tire storage areas

State Agencies are on the Lookout

State Health Departments and the Environmental Protection Agency are also looking for sites with standing water, just like these. News sources across the country report that the departments are on a mission against disease-carrying mosquitoes. As part of this effort, they are targeting mosquito breeding grounds, including dealerships and similar businesses with tire storage areas or standing water issues.

Tips for Addressing Mosquito On Your Grounds

Given the population explosion of mosquitoes this year (makes me itch just thinking about it), here are some guidelines to effectively address mosquito pools.

Keep Water from Accumulating

Keep all open containers and scrap tires inside or under a roof or well-maintained waterproof enclosure to prevent water accumulation.

Put the caps back on drums that are stored outside when empty or turn empty containers upside-down to prevent rainwater accumulation.

Store Waste Tires Appropriately

If you rely on exposed storage for your waste tires, cut, slice, poke holes, or otherwise do what it takes to guarantee efficient drainage routes in each tire to prevent water accumulation inside the tires.

Fall Back on Pesticides

If you can’t take steps to prevent water accumulation, then treat your materials with an appropriate pesticide according to the manufacturer’s directions and repeat as necessary.

Keep in mind that when treating tires, they must be stored individually or stacked so each tire is accessible for spraying.

Maintain a written record of tire treatments that includes:

  • Name of the business
  • Date of spraying
  • Type of spray used
  • Person doing the spraying

Keep Up with All the Summer Hazards – KPA Can Help

KPA’s got the training, tools, and talent to keep you and your employees protected all summer long. While none of us can predict precisely the hazards we may face during this season, you can rest easier knowing that with KPA, comprehensive and preventative resources are available to you at any time.

Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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