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Creating a Stronger Dealership Safety Culture: 4 Steps to Success

Toby Graham

Creating a Stronger Dealership Safety Culture: 4 Steps to Success

While some employees may think dealership safety rests solely on the shoulders of executive management, that’s really not the case. Dealership safety is a company-wide responsibility. It may seem that your team is doing everything possible, you can always improve. Build a system that encourages employees, and management as well, to take part in the safety culture. Here are four steps to increase engagement in your safety culture:

Use a Core Value System

When we think of core values, we usually associate them with moral values. But when it comes to creating a safety culture, it’s important to develop core values that prioritize employee safety adherence, knowledge, and proactive risk elimination. It’s also helpful to pair your core values with recognition to incentivize employees to participate in your core value program.

Recognize and Reward Employees

Achieving a goal is motivating, but recognizing employees is even more powerful. It’s important to publicly acknowledge employees who exceed expectations in upholding your core values and safety culture.

Make recognition a regular feature of your monthly safety meetings. Share how employees have contributed to safety and core values, and how this has positively impacted your dealership.

To further incentivize employees, you may offer physical rewards like reasonable time off, money, or gift cards.

Use Positive Reinforcement

It’s important for employees to be aware of and fully understand any safety or reward programs in place. Employees can’t get involved in a program the don’t know exists!

Make sure to communicate these programs clearly and emphasize the recognition and rewarding of actions that promote a safer work environment. And, make sure you avoid solely focusing on accidents or safety incidents, as this may discourage full engagement from employees.

Establish Credibility

To build a robust safety culture in your dealership, it’s essential to prioritize safety and promote it consistently. This can be accomplished by ensuring that your dealership and employees are meeting fundamental safety standards, such as providing sufficient training and adhering to OSHA regulations. Additionally, it’s imperative to make your safety records accessible and visible to emphasize the significance of safety to your employees.

When companies fall behind in their safety compliance, have outdated materials, or blame their employees for injury rates, employees notice. This can lead to a negative attitude towards safety.

To truly establish a strong safety culture, start from the top and engage all levels of your dealership, from executive management down to temporary workers.

Finally, back up your safety program with actions that demonstrate your dealership’s dedication to safety.

Dealers with strong safety cultures lean on the experience of KPA

KPA solutions help dealerships throughout North America identify, remedy, and prevent workplace safety and compliance problems
across their organizations. Through software, consulting, and training, dealers minimize overall risk so they can focus on what’s important—their core business.

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Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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