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Are Your Risk Management Tools Truly Keeping Your Dealership Safe?

Toby Graham

When it comes to minimizing workforce health and safety issues at your dealership, your insurance broker can be one of your greatest allies. Many brokers provide dealers with a range of risk management tools, services, and resources. After all, they want your business to avoid as many incidents and unnecessary expenses as you do.

But let’s face it: not every broker is an expert in the realities of your industry. And not every EHS solution covers the unique sorts of risks dealers face. Many tools are not built specifically for dealership compliance.  

That means you may have serious gaps in your program if you’re working with the wrong broker or platform.

Why Many Tools Fall Short

I don’t want to shortchange what your broker brings to the table. But, consider how an insurance agency thinks. They’re in the business of helping clients minimize claims and losses. From their perspective, that’s exactly what their tools are doing—helping you keep your people from getting hurt and your property from getting damaged. Very noble, but not necessarily enough for your dealership.

Any approach that focuses solely on claims and losses leaves a dealer with a rather large hole in their efforts to protect their dealership. Can you guess what I’m referring to?

(I’ll give you a hint: it starts with an “r”… and ends with “egulators.”)

Your dealership has to contend with an alphabet soup of regulatory bodies with eyes on your EHS program. There’s OSHA, the EPA, the DOT, state and county health departments… I could go on and on.

What Broker-Centric Solutions Can’t Do

Many insurance agencies lack the tools and expertise to help dealers on this front.

If you receive a regulatory notice, your broker may not be equipped to help you respond appropriately.

If OSHA shows up at your front door, there’s not much your insurance provider can do to help you make it through your inspection with flying colors.

And if you want to avoid regulators’ attention altogether (which, trust me, you do), you’ll need to look beyond typical broker-provided tools and embrace a proactive, dealership-specific risk management solution.

Don’t let these gaps compromise your bottom line. The only viable option for protecting your dealership from all kinds of risks—safety, regulatory, and otherwise—is a comprehensive toolset created for your industry from the ground up. 

Fortunately, you’re just a few clicks away from the most powerful solution on the market.

KPA: A Complete Tool Set Built for Dealers

KPA offers consulting, software, and training built entirely for dealerships. Our all-in-one solution empowers you to proactively keep your workforce safe and stay on the right side of the various regulators monitoring your business.

Thousands of dealers nationwide, including 8 of the top 10 dealership groups, rely on KPA’s expertise. Our dealership-specific proficiency and content provide consistent and reliable EHS, human resources, and sales and F&I compliance capabilities, including…

  • facility audits
  • deal jacket audits
  • EHS program management
  • online and on-site compliance training
  • hiring, onboarding, and employee retention tools

Discover how it works.


Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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