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Celebrate National Safety Month with a Truckload of Resources

Toby Graham

June is National Safety Month! With the U.S. seeing the highest number of workplace deaths since 2007 – 5,333 fatal workplace injuries in 2019 – this observance is more important than ever.

Developed by the National Safety Council, National Safety Month has chosen to highlight four important EHS topics this year. We’re joining up to share some great resources to keep you up to speed each week. Here’s the lineup:

Week 1 – Prevent Incidents Before They Start
Identifying risks and taking proactive safety measures to reduce hazard exposure on important topics from ergonomics to chemical management is crucial to creating a safe workplace.

Week 2 – Address Ongoing COVID-19 Safety Concerns
As the pandemic continues, employers play an important role in expanding operations and returning remote workers to physical workspaces, building trust around vaccines, supporting mental health and so much more.

Week 3 – It’s Vital to Feel Safe on the Job
Being able to be one’s self at work without fear of retaliation is necessary for an inclusive safety culture. Leading organizations focus not only on physical safety, but psychological safety as well.

Week 4 – Advance Your Safety Journey
Safety is all about continuous improvement. Whether organizationally or individually, NSC can help provide guidance for your path forward.

Let’s get the ball rolling and kick things off with some week 1 resources:

Resources to Help Prevent Incidents Before They Start

Identifying risks and taking proactive safety measures to reduce hazard exposure on important topics from risk assessments to hazard communication is crucial to creating a safe workplace.

Risk Assessment: How to Identify and Evaluate Workplace Safety Hazards

A workplace health and safety risk assessment keeps your people safe and helps you make smarter decisions. Learn how to conduct a risk assessment effectively.

How to Make Sure Your Safety Program Is More than Checked Boxes

Is your safety program just checking boxes or is it saving lives, time, & money? Here’s how to tell, & tactics to ensure what’s getting checked is getting done.

4 Keys to a Solid Safety Audit and Inspection Program

Feeling overwhelmed by safety audits and inspections? Let’s make it easy. These are the 4 basic components of any comprehensive assessment of an EHS program.

Is Your Hazard Communication OSHA-Ready? Find Out If Your Program Stacks Up

Don’t let your people or your organization become statistics in 2021. It’s time to see whether your hazard communication protocols meet OSHA’s standards.

Ok, there’s your first installment.

Make sure you check out NSC’s site to find even more resources (NSC Members, make sure you log in to grab an even larger selection of tools)

And, check back next week – we’ve got more to share!

Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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