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Dress Codes: Finding the Right Fit

Emily Hartman

Dress Codes: Finding the Right Fit

During the last decade, dress codes have slowly evolved from casual Fridays to everyday casual attire. Virgin Atlantic, Target, and Goldman Sachs are among several large companies that have recently made this switch. So, should we all follow suit? (No pun intended.)

It depends, businesses and employees need to be reasonable and safe. Should a welder wear flip flops? Maybe not. Can a customer-facing employee wear skinny jeans? Maybe so.

Casual dress code is a show of trust between employers and employees, contributing to a positive workplace culture. It’s a way to educate and empower employees to make positive and safe decisions.

If you hear internal rumblings about dress code or if you’re reviewing your current policy, we’ve developed some basic guidelines to consider. Additionally, if you’re concerned about summertime attire, we have some ideas on how to address safe seasonal clothes.

dress code policy graphic

Emily Hartman

Emily is a Marketing Manager here at KPA. She’s using the mad communications skills she learned in Washington, D.C., to break down technical information into news you can use.

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