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Keep Your Facility Safe This Winter: Follow These Four Tips

Toby Graham

Brrrrrrr…it’s getting cold out. Just like we’re digging the snow boots out of the closet and snow shovels from their dusty summer homes, it’s time to start thinking about prepping for winter facility safety. Here are four things to keep in mind as you’re preparing your facility for the chilly weather to come.

Four Tips to Keep Your Facility Safe This Winter

Protect Your Building

Take proactive steps to protect your facility from winter weather.
  • Walk your facility and identify areas that may be vulnerable to damage.
  • Keep your roof clear from debris like clogged gutters and downspouts
  • Check for things like water leaks, cracked concrete,  and ponding water.

Assess Your Floors

Rain and ice can make this season challenging.

If you’re like many facilities, you have to deal with rainwater in the loading dock, ice in the parking lot, or entry mats that have bubbled up over time. Don’t stand by when you can be taking preventative measures. Assess things like:

    • Do we have entry mats at each entry door?
    • Are staircases coated with grit?
    • Is the floor slip-resistant?

Turning on the Heat

It's time to heat things up in your facility - make sure you're prepared.
  • Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (this is good to do both at work and at home). As furnaces see more use, there is a greater chance of a fire.
  • Monitor your facility’s use of space heaters to make sure they’re used safely. Dive into space heater safety in this article >>
  • Continue your monthly fire extinguisher inspections.

Who’s In Charge?

It's not just about the "what"...time to think about the "who"
  • If you have the resources to do so, designate an employee to be in charge of making rounds through the facility on a continual basis.
  • If you do not have the personnel to assign someone to these tasks, make sure to schedule time in the day for housekeeping activities.
  • Whoever you put in charge, make it easy for them by using an inspection checklist so nothing falls through the cracks. Bonus points for making it available on their phone.

Get the Guide: Winter Weather and Holiday Safety

Winter weather has made an entrance and the holidays are approaching. Are your workforce and your facility prepared for the winter weather? Here are some winter weather safety tips.

Download the Guide

That’s a lot to keep track of – to keep your facility safe from winter weather! KPA’s here to help.

Our unique combination of software, consulting, and award-winning training helps organizations stay compliant with state and federal regulations and maintain a safe and productive workplace.

Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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