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KPA Compliance Expert Featured in EHS Daily Advisor’s Faces of EHS

KPA Compliance Expert Featured in EHS Daily Advisor’s Faces of EHS

KPA’s District Director, Amanda Rawls, was recently interviewed for EHS Daily Advisor’s Faces of EHS. The interview delves into her career accomplishments, advice for new EHS professionals, and just how important it is to engage employees in building safety culture within any kind of workplace.

Amanda Rawls

Amanda Rawls

Amanda Rawls specializes in regulatory and compliance procedures and serves as an account manager for various large and small organizations. Prior to KPA, Amanda earned a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) and a degree in Environmental Science from Texas Christian University. She has worked as an Environmental and Safety Consultant for more than 15 years and has conducted more than 1,600 onsite audits and written more than 20 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans for various industries.

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