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The IRS recently updated its 1094 and 1095 forms. First, a review of what these forms are all about.

Participating in a Positive Workplace Culture

This training discusses practical advice for being part of a positive workplace culture. It includes how to deal with conflict and positive culture tips for coworker interactions.


Personal Protective Equipment (Automotive)

This training gives an awareness-level overview of hazards and PPE specific to the automotive industry.


Personal Protective Equipment Awareness

This training covers the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE), employee responsibilities to properly use and care for it, and an overview of the most common types. Topics include proper use, inspection, maintenance, and storage practices.


Personal Protective Equipment for Management

This manager training provides an overview of personal protective equipment (PPE). It includes the requirements for wearing PPE, the various types, care and maintenance, and employer responsibilities.


Photographing Accidents for CMV Drivers

This training goes through the steps to take if a driver is involved in a motor vehicle accident and best practices for photographic documentation of an accident scene.

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Planning for Workplace Emergencies

This training provides guidance for managers looking to build an effective emergency action plan or emergency response plan. It includes guidance on which plan is right for your organization, step-by-step instructions, and helpful resources.


Portable Ladder Safety

This training addresses ladder safety best practices. It includes planning, selection, inspection, maintenance, storage, and safe work practices for stepladders, extension ladders, articulated ladders, and mobile ladder stands.


Preventative Maintenance

This overview of preventative maintenance covers the basics of a maintenance program and best practices to follow.


R-1234yf: Understanding the Next Generation in Mobile A/C Refrigerant

This training presents three videos from Honeywell that educate the user about R-1234yf refrigerant systems, differences between R-1234yf and R-134a systems, and servicing R-1234yf systems.

thumbnail featuring the housekeeping training on a flat screen computer monitor

Respiratory Protection

This training includes information on the requirements of a respiratory protection program, types and uses, selection based on hazards, fit test requirements, and proper cleaning procedures.


Respiratory Protection for Spray Painting and Auto Body Work

This training discusses respiratory hazards, employer controls, respirator types, how to wear respiratory protection, and respirator inspection and maintenance


Rollover Prevention for Cargo Tanks for CMV Drivers

This training discusses cargo tank rollovers, including how they happen, why they happen, and how to avoid rollovers. It covers vehicle design, load effects, vehicle maintenance, highway factors, and driver factors.

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