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Top 5 Holiday Safety Tips to Wrap Up The Year with a Bow

Toby Graham

Top 5 Holiday Safety Tips to Wrap Up The Year with a Bow

The holidays are generally a time of happiness and celebration, but they can also provide extra hazards and stress. Keep these holiday safety tips in mind for a safe and happy holiday season.

Here’s wishing you and yours happy holidays from KPA.


Holiday Safety Tips

Click on the icons to learn more about each tip to keep your workforce safe this holiday season.


Just like smoking, lit candles have no place near machinery or chemicals (and should really just stay home altogether).

Driving and Alcohol

If you’re hosting a holiday party, keep in mind driving and alcohol. Designated drivers ensure your employees will be able to enjoy holidays in years to come.

Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a stressful time for your employees. Be mindful of external pressures during this time of year.


For our dealer friends, make sure the decorations in your showroom are “child friendly.” Avoid decorations that have a breaking, choking, or electrical hazard close to the ground.

Christmas Trees

Cut root trees can be a serious fire hazard. Make sure the needles are cleaned up, the tree is watered, and disposed of when it’s dry. Fire codes often prohibit cut root trees in areas where groups of people assemble unless the building has approved sprinklers.

Get the Guide: Winter Weather and Holiday Safety

Winter weather has made an entrance and the holidays are approaching. Are your workforce and your facility prepared for the winter weather? Here are some winter weather safety tips.

Download the Guide

Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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