In this week’s episode, tune in to hear how adopting a holistic approach to safety training will better implement safety-driven cultural change in the long run.
On today's episode, Sage is joined by F&I expert, Ryan Daly, who is an F&I district manager for KPA. Ryan and I discuss what best practices dealerships can use in order to stay compliant and avoid expensive violations.
This week we chat about committing to the safety of your workers, laying the foundation for your safety programs, and believing that people matter above all else.
We’ve been talking a lot about injury rates and how to benchmark yours against industry averages. This got me thinking, which ones are the most dangerous?
Under OSHA’s General Duty Clause, employers have an obligation to protect their employees from serious hazards—even ifthe hazard is unusual or unprecedented.
Here are some useful data points that reflect the state of women's workplace safety and the impact safety programs have on keeping women out of harm’s way.