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Customer Story


Automation Plus Mobile Capabilities Equals Savings for 3S

“The trending is just incredible with the reporting inside KPA Flex. It gives us total insight on where to focus our safety efforts.”

Janise Black, Data Analyst, 3S Services

Client Profile

3S Services is founded on the three key pillars: safety, service, and satisfaction

One of America’s fastest-growing EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) contractors, 3S Services offers an unwavering commitment to safety. This commitment is evident in its daily implementation of established policies, procedures, audits, and its 3S behavior-based safety program. Managers communicate expectations with their 3S workforce and customers to maintain safety, quality, and efficiency on job sites.


Managing Paper-Based Data Across a Massive Workforce

3S Services footprint extends to 1,000 + employees and 10 offices around the U.S. 3S Data Analyst Janise Black was stuck with a mountain of paper and manual processes to track and maintain document and version control for forms across the company’s locations.

Further, due to the company’s stringent standards around safety, Black also had to manage weekly and monthly reporting to customers on safety observations, incidents, and the number of required audits and inspections.

“I remember seeing milk crates full of safety observation cards, Job Safety Analysis documents, audits, and inspections,” said Black.

“The only way for us to review the submission & trend our data to better serve & educate our workforce was to review, scan & email to respective parties.”

“We’d create exel files, make our tally marks and separate them by type of observation or incident. We paid someone 40 hours a week to handle this process.”


Mobile-Empowered and Automated Processes

The company was already using KPA Flex (formerly known as iScout) for training, audits, and other core tasks. So, Black and 3S decided to leverage the platform’s power to expand its usage to some of the company’s HR functions as well.

“I was able to just run with KPA Flex, which was beautiful. It’s a one-stop resource that brings core reporting and training functionality together right inside the app.”

“That includes everything from a form builder to analytics to app-based training. And it’s all supported by alerts and notifications, so you’re always in the know about hot issues.”


Data On-Demand with Countless Hours Saved

“KPA Flex makes it hands-down easier for our team to submit safety observations.”

“By leveraging the power of the mobile application, we always have a to-the-minute, clear picture of potential trouble areas,” Black said. “Then, we can move forward to mitigate those before issues arise.”

The software has also revolutionized the management of training for the company.

“On a weekly or monthly basis, I can look at our OSHA required training topics and run a gap report to see who hasn’t attended a safety meeting to clear out a certain task. Then, I can send out a reminder through KPA Flex and bring everything current.”

Another benefit has been an easier road for customer audits. “When a customer audits us, we’re able to quickly and easily pull how many hours of training we’ve provided on specific topics.”

“No paper to sift through and no more Excel sheets to maintain. We’re talking about countless hours saved.”

And the ease of the system provides yet another advantage: demonstrating KPA Flex’s safety program management capabilities to stakeholders.

“We’ve got up to 10,000 reports coming through each month, plus all of the related data. The company leadership looks at that and marvels at how we can handle that much information so smoothly. I don’t think they quite realize what a secret weapon we have in KPA Flex software.”


See for Yourself

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