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Important Topics to Cover in Your Next Electrical Safety Toolbox Talk

Taylor Thorn

Important Topics to Cover in Your Next Electrical Safety Toolbox Talk

Learn to prevent electrical accidents in the workplace with these expert safety tips for your next Electrical Safety toolbox talk. In this 5-minute toolbox talk overview, you’ll learn how to identify common electrical hazards, give employees training on the latest safety guidelines, and improve your electrical safety program to reduce the risk of injury or death.

Construction workers do far more than swing a hammer or drive a nail. They’re the ones that make a company successful. And when an accident occurs on their watch, the consequences can devastate everyone involved. You know this better than anyone else – and so does your insurance company.

Pop Quiz: Would your premiums go up or down if an employee gets hurt or even killed on the job?

That’s why it’s so important that your workers are properly trained. This includes everything from knowing how to use certain tools and machinery to proper ladder safety procedures.

This also means ensuring they know what they’re doing at all times – even if it’s just walking across the street or driving home after work. After all, it only takes one bad move for something terrible to happen.

Here are some simple yet effective tips that can help you avoid injuries from exposure to electricity.

Don't Get Burned

Do you know what’s great about electricity? It’s everywhere and pretty much the only thing that can power your entire life. Do you know what’s not so great? That it can be dangerous when you don’t know how to handle it.

The first major injury caused by electricity is burns. Burns are caused when your body comes into contact with the electrical source, thermal burns from electricity, and—in some cases—when electrical sparks start fires.

To prevent any of these scenarios, you need to avoid contact with live electricity. Here are some good tips:

  • Before using extension cords or power strips, ensure they are in good condition and not damaged.
  • All wiring that is exposed should be carefully done by a licensed electrician.
  • All high-voltage equipment, such as power lines and substations, must be marked.
  • When working around water and electrical appliances, pay extra attention.
  • Always wear protective gear, such as rubber gloves and goggles, when working with electricity.
  • Always turn off the power before you begin working on a circuit or appliance. Never work with live wires or on broken appliances. If you do need to work around electricity, always have a fire extinguisher nearby.

Don't Get Shocked

A static shock occurs when you come into contact with an electrical energy source. When you get a static shock, it can burn you and give you anything from a mild jolt to more serious jolts that, in some cases, can be life-threatening.

Static shocks most commonly occur when working with faulty electrical tools and machinery and coming into contact with faulty power cords. Don’t let sparks fly! Sparks are small, hot flashes of electrical energy that occur when two materials come into contact with each other, which can burn you and cause injury.

Never Work Alone

Always have someone nearby who can help you in case of an emergency. Check for hidden dangers. Before you begin any job, take a look around and make sure there aren’t any obvious hazards like power cords or open flames that could cause an explosion. If you do find a hazard, don’t work until it’s been removed carefully.

Don't Risk It

So you’re working on a project and need to cut a hole in the wall. It’s not a big deal, right? Wrong! It could be the worst mistake of your life. Why? Cutting through the walls of an electrical room is like playing Russian roulette with your life (and maybe someone else’s). You don’t know what you might cut into or where the wires run. If you’re lucky, you’ll get an electric shock, leaving you feeling a little tingly for a few seconds. If you’re unlucky, though, you could cause serious injury to yourself or someone else.

Know the difference between live and switched circuits.

Live circuits are those that have electricity flowing through them at all times (like household current). Switched circuits are those that only have power when someone is pushing a button or flipping a switch on or off (like the lights in your home). If you’re working on live circuits, you must be extra careful because the electricity can shock or kill you. If there’s any doubt about whether or not a circuit is live, don’t work on it till you are 100% confident!

Stay Safe Up There

If there’s one place where you can’t afford to cut corners, it’s when you’re working at height. A shock from electricity can cause you to fall off a ladder or scaffolding, which can turn a minor injury into a serious hazard that requires medical attention.

When working on a high ladder, pay attention to what you are doing and stay alert for any electrical hazards. Check that any tools you need to use are functioning properly. Keep your common-sense construction wits about you at all times, but especially when at dangerous heights.

Don’t Forget The Go-To for Toolbox Talk Guidelines

Workplace safety is important at all times, but even more so when you are working with electricity. That’s why all electricians need to follow the OSHA rules and best practices outlined in the 29 CFR 1910 standard.

These standards cover everything from training requirements to equipment maintenance. They also provide extensive information on how to make sure your employees are using the proper equipment and working as safely as possible.

The standard also contains requirements for the installation of electrical equipment, and safety requirements for tools, materials, and construction practices. The 1926 standard applies to electrical installations in all areas of construction except those covered by 29 CFR 1910. The standard contains requirements for establishing electrical safety programs, electrical equipment, work practices and procedures, grounding and bonding of electrical systems, and temporary wiring involved in construction work.

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Taylor Thorn

Taylor Thorn is an experienced construction technologist focused on safety and mobile applications. Taylor was co-founder and CEO of AnchoRock, a construction safety software solution, which was acquired by KPA in 2023. Taylor now serves as the Sr. Product Director at KPA, with a focus on construction technology. He has an in-depth understanding of the construction industry, with hands-on experience managing and building safety solutions for general, electrical, mechanical, steel, roofing, and solar contractors. Taylor is passionate about safety in construction, assisting contractors in digitizing their safety and compliance programs through user-friendly tools.

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