September Safety Observances: 5 Celebrations You Won’t Want to Miss
Pop quiz! Did you know that September is Emergency Preparedness Month? We bet you didn’t. Don’t worry, though; KPA’s roundup of September safety observances is here. Not only can safety observances keep your workplace focuses interesting and relevant, but they can also provide a great opportunity to review topics with your team that you may not have otherwise.
September Safety Observances
Emergency Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.
Here are some resources to help your team stay prepared
Four Simple Ways to Tighten Up Your Emergency Response Plan
An organization with a comprehensive, systematic emergency response plan can minimize risks and save lives before, during, and after any emergency.
Do you know the key components of an emergency response program and employee emergency response training? Is your organization well-equipped in the event of an emergency? Find out by taking KPA’s Emergency Response Pop Quiz.
Learn – and train workers on – how to perform CPR and use an AED
“It’s really important to know how to do something,” said Carrie Bush, a first aid expert and program manager at the National Safety Council. “You never know when you’re going to need to use it. You’re more likely to save a life if you do something other than just calling 911.”
National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month
National Recovery Month, which started in 1989, is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible.
Addiction awareness is especially necessary in certain industries. According to a 2015 study, 14.3% of full-time construction workers reported addiction to alcohol or other substances.
Learn more about industry-specific best practices here >
Check out an interview on addressing substance abuse with ABC’s Greg Sizemore >
Labor Day – September 2
This one’s about as straightforward as it gets: The U.S. Department of Labor defines Labor Day as “an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.”
Read more about its history here >
Find our complete collection of information on safety culture here >
National Concussion Awareness Day – September 20
Concussions have become an epidemic in the United States, with millions of mild traumatic brain injuries happening each year. National Concussion Awareness Day aims to create an opportunity for public discussion of this issue. By raising awareness of the importance of recognizing a concussion, treating it appropriately, and supporting the injured, we can positively impact lives nationwide
In 2021 and 2022, there were over 195,720 head injuries involving days away from work. (Source)
Aside from personal impacts, the financial costs of an employee suffering a concussion are staggering. Find OSHA’s estimated figures here >
Want even more information on the topic? Take our training course on PPE and hearing conservation here >
National Coffee Day – September 29
And to top everything off, we have our most important and relevant holiday of the month… National Coffee Day! Traditionally celebrated with an extra fancy morning coffee splurge (or, in some places, a free coffee!!) National Coffee Day continues to hold significant importance to the American public, and can be a great way to treat your employees and remind them how much you appreciate their work.
(Shout out to all of the hazelnut latte drinkers out there).
If you haven’t already, now’s the time to start implementing safety observances into your safety plans.
This is the perfect opportunity to level up your knowledge and take action to keep yourself and those around you safe. When we all prioritize safety, we create a culture that benefits everyone. So let’s make the most of this month and take advantage of the amazing resources available to us!
Need help? Check out the Compliance Calendar as a great way to keep on top of all your important dates >
Stay safe out there!
Check out a full year of Safety Observances
Keep safety top of mind all year long by including these safety observances into your programming.
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