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Workplace Compliance Rules for the Southern States

Emily Hartman

[Updated 10/5/21]

Below is a round-up of workplace compliance rules and regulations employers need to know to keep their business compliant. If you believe there may be a discrepancy between a state and local order that affects you or your business, you should contact your local government and/or competent local counsel for further advice.

Alabama COVID-19 State Regulations

Face Covering Mandate Ends

Effective April 9, 2021, to 5 pm on May 5, 2021, the statewide face mask mandate ended. Everyone is still encouraged to wear a face covering when in public settings or near other people.

Employers and places of worship may encourage their employees and customers to face coverings, maintain social distance, to stay home when sick, and use proper sanitization and hygiene practices. They may also require masks and social distancing

Hospitals and nursing homes still have occupancy limits and may only allow a maximum of 2 visitors per patient.

The order supersedes any other county or local order. Once it ends on May 5, cities may extend their own mask orders.

What Should You Do?

  • Review your current face covering policies and procedures and determine if you need to make any changes. See legal counsel regarding any changes you make.

Additional Resources

Alabama COVID-19 Related Emergency Actions of State Agencies

Alabama Public Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) News & Resources

Order of the State Health Officer Suspending Certain Public Gatherings Due to Risk of Infection by COVID-19 Amended April 7, 2021

Alabama Mask Signs

Liability Protections

Governor Kay Ivey signed a liability shield protection law on February 12, 2021, SB 30, effective upon signature to protect businesses, health care providers, education institutions, places of worship, and government entities from COVID-19 claims. The exception is any case where there was “wanton, reckless, willful, or intentional misconduct.”

This legislation is currently effective and retroactive for any claims submitted between March 13, 2020, to December 31, 2021.

Additional Resources

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) News & Resources

Alabama Public Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Alabama COVID-19 Related Emergency Actions of State Agencies

Updated 5/10/21: Unemployment Benefits

Who: Alabama employers and employees

When: March 23, 2020

Update 5/10/21: Governor Kay Ivey announced that the state will stop participating in federally funded pandemic unemployment programs starting June 19, 2021. These programs include:

  • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation
  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
  • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation
  • Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation

Updated 11/8/20: Final Rule 480-4-2-.19 was issued to extend the emergency requirements for employers to notify employees of their unemployment benefits at the time of separation. This rule is effective on November 14, 2020.

The Alabama Department of Labor has expanded unemployment benefits to include employees who are unable to work because of COVID-19. Employees are eligible to file a claim if they are:

  • Placed under quarantine by a medical care provider or government agency;
  • Laid off or sent home without pay because of concerns about COVID-19;
  • Diagnosed with COVID-19; or are
  • Caring for an immediate family member diagnosed with COVID-19

The ability of a worker to be ready and able to work will be altered based on the above concerns. Claimants won’t have to look for work during this time, but they will need to ensure they can return to work following an illness or quarantine.

Employees who work from home or receive sick or vacation time off aren’t eligible for unemployment.

Update 8/13/20: Starting July 10, 2020, employers are required to provide a notice about unemployment benefits upon separation. The required notice can be made by text message, flyer, or letter. The required language can be found on the Alabama Emergency Rule starting on Page 3. Additionally, the Alabama Department of Labor has new hire obligations for reporting returned furlough employees. Employers should review new hires and recalled employees for the past 12 months and ensure that they have met all reporting requirements for these workers.


  • Review your current business practices and update your unemployment policies to reflect this new policy.
  • As your business responds to the coronavirus, educate and inform your employees about all of their available options, as appropriate.

Additional Resource:

Alabama Department of Labor

Alabama HR and Workplace Regulations

Effective Immediately: Alabama Passes Medical Marijuana Law

Who: Alabama employers

When: Effective immediately

What: On May 17, 2021, Governor Ivey signed Senate Bill 46 into law, which legalizes medical marijuana and makes Alabama the thirty-seventh state to approve of its use. The bill establishes a system for growing, testing, and selling marijuana. Interested parties will be able to apply for a license by September 1, 2022.

The bill specifies 16 conditions or types of conditions that qualify an individual for medical marijuana, such as epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, or chronic pain. The bill narrowly defines medical marijuana by excluding food products and any form that can be smoked or vaped. The definition of allowed products includes gummies, tablets, gels, oils, creams, patches, or lozenges.

SB 46 does not protect employees who hold medical marijuana cards. In fact, the bill specifies that employers may take adverse actions against employees who use medical cannabis, regardless of their level of impairment on the job—up to and including termination. Employers need not modify job duties for employees based on an employee’s need for or use of medical marijuana. Employers may implement or maintain drug-free workplace and drug-testing policies. An employee may pursue a claim of illegal discrimination or lack of accommodation based on a disability related to their underlying condition, however.


  • Continue to monitor court actions related to the interpretation of SB 46 in light of employee discrimination claims.
  • Review your internal polices related to medical marijuana, including drug testing and drug-free workplace policies.

Additional Resources:

SB 46

Effective July 1: Alabama Adopts IRS Independent Contractor Test

Who: Alabama employers

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: On April 19, 2021, Alabama Governor Ivey signed House Bill 408 into law, which goes into effect on July 1, 2021. The new statute requires employers, the Alabama Department of Labor, and the Alabama Department of Revenue to use the IRS 20-factor common law test to determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. The law applies to worker classification when it comes to wage and hour law and unemployment insurance, but not to workers’ compensation insurance.

The law goes a bit further to align with federal law by adopting the “safe harbor” test in Section 530 of the federal Revenue Act of 1978. That law applies to businesses even if they fail the 20-factor test and allows classification of workers as independent contractors if the employer:

  • Had a reasonable basis for such classification;
  • Issued Forms 1099 to workers so classified; and
  • Treated similar workers as contractors rather than employees.


  • Review your worker classification policies and practices to ensure they are in compliance with the 20-factor IRS test.

Additional Resources:


Common Law Factors with Examples (Alabama)

Examples of Independent Contractors and Common Law Employees (Alabama)

Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? (Federal)

Arkansas COVID-19 State Regulations

Arkansas Bans Vaccine Requirements

Effective immediately, Governor Asa Hutchinson signed SB615, on April 30, 2021, that prevents state and local government agencies from requiring COVID-19 vaccinations or proof of vaccination. It also prohibits vaccination as a condition of employment, travel, education, or other services.

There are exceptions for state-run health care facilities.

What Should You Do?

  • Review your current policies and procedures and update them to comply with the current law.
  • Consult with your legal counsel regarding any changes you make to your vaccination documentation policies and procedures.

Additional Resources


Arkansas COVID-19 Information

Arkansas Department of HealthArkansas Directives

Updated 4/5/21: Face Covering Mandate Rescinded

Update 4/5/2021: Governor Asa Hutchison announced a lift on the state’s mask mandate as of March 30, 2021, but stated that businesses may continue to require face masks and everyone should respect and adhere to those rules. The Arkansas Department of Health published Face Coverings Guidance on March 31, 2021, recommending that everyone continue to wear face masks in indoor settings when they are exposed to people outside their immediate household.

Update 10/5/20: The Face Covering Directive was updated to clarify that plastic face shields aren’t a mask or face covering substitute, although face coverings or masks that use a plastic space to display a person’s mouth (like those used for people who are hard of hearing or deaf) are acceptable.

Update 8/28/20: The Face Covering Directive was updated to ban valves on face coverings and discourage the use of single-layered bandanas and gaiters, see Page 2.

In Executive Order 20-43, Governor Asa Hutchinson declared that as of July 20, 2020, everyone in the state is required to wear a face covering over their mouth and nose in all indoor and outdoor situations where they are interacting with people outside of their household and can’t maintain a social distance of 6 feet.

There are several exceptions to this rule that can be found towards the end of page 2 of the Executive Order 20-43. The Arkansas Department of Health also issued a Face Coverings Directive with information about the exemptions.

Previously, Executive Order 20-41 allowed local jurisdictions to mandate face coverings.

Additional Resources

Executive Order 20-43

Executive Order 20-41

Florida COVID-19 State Regulations

Florida COVID-19 regulations can be found here >>

Georgia COVID-19 State Regulations

Federal Unemployment Assistance Ends June 26, 2021

Governor Brian Kemp announced that Georgia will no longer participate in the federal pandemic unemployment assistance programs as of June 26, 2021.

This change will halt the supplemental $300/week payments that fell under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program, as well as the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, and Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation. Unemployment insurance claimants will revert back to pre-pandemic requirements for being able and available to work, and actively seek work on July 4, 2021. These individuals must also be registered with EmployGeorgia.

Additional Resources


Georgia Department of Health

Georgia Executive Orders

Georgia Department of Labor

Liability Law Effective

Who: Georgia businesses

When: Effective August 7, 2020 and applies to claims until July 14, 2021

What: SB 359,known as the Georgia COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act, took effect on August 7, 2020 to protect businesses from employee and customer liability claims related to COVID-19, as long as there wasn’t gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, or reckless or intentional harm.

There are additional steps that businesses can take to protect their liability. One option is to use specific language on receipt, proof of purchase, wristband, ticket, etc. that states, in at least 10-point Arial font away from other text:

Any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against this premises owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings, except for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm, by the individual or entity of the premises.

A business, including health care facilities and providers, can also post at the point of entry a sign that uses at least a one-inch Arial font placed apart from other text that says:


Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death for an individual entering these premises, if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.

Additional Resource

SB 359

Face Coverings and Masks

When: Starting April 27, 2020

What: The Governor released Executive Order and Executive Order which encourages residents to wear face coverings or masks when they leave homes.

Employees at restaurants and clubs must wear face coverings and ensure they are clean and replaced every day.

Emergency Unemployment Changes

Who: Georgia employers

When: Effective Immediately for the next 120 days or until the current rule changes or a new one proposed.


The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) has closed to the public, but online access is available for unemployment and reemployment services. GDOL passed emergency rules for employers who file partial unemployment claims on behalf of their full-time employees:

  • All partial claims must be filed by employers online in the Employer Portal;
  • All employers must file partial claims bearing in mind any week the employee works less than full-time due to the partial or complete shutdown of the company because of a COVID-19 public health emergency; and
  • Any employer in violation of this rule must pay the Commissioner the full amount of benefits paid to the employee.

There are several scenarios when employers shouldn’t file a partial claim, including when employees:

  • Will be paid for a temporary layoff period (paid sick, paid vacation, etc.);
  • Were on previously scheduled leave before the layoff period (leave of absence or medical leave);
  • Are employed by a temporary agency and are currently working at your place of business;
  • Were employed in another state the last 18 months (employees can apply online themselves);
  • Were employed by the federal government or on active military service in the last 18 months (employees can apply online themselves).

When submitting a claim, employers are reminded to:

  • Report the employee’s name, social security number, date of birth that matches with the Social Security Administration’s records.
  • Ensure there are 7 days between payment week ending dates.
  • Don’t submit claims until after the week end date on the claim.
  • Report vacation pay, holiday pay, earnings, etc. for the week it was earned and not the week it was paid.
  • Report any additional income that employees are receiving, except Social Security benefits, jury duty income, or pay for weekend military reserve duty.


  • Identify any employees that you may need to file the partial claim.
  • Gather all relevant information from the employee to file the partial claim, as well as the necessary employer information.
  • Be sure to follow the correct steps when logging into the Employer Portal.

Additional Resources

GDOL Rules

Employer Portal

Georgia Department of Labor

Kentucky COVID-19 State Regulations

Liability Protections Enacted

Who: Businesses that are considered “essential service providers,” like manufacturers of hygiene and PPE products, health care organizations, schools, child care providers, government agencies, and funeral homes.

When: Effective April 11, 2021. Retroactive to March 6, 2020 and until the emergency declaration ends, lapses, or is revoked.

What: SB provides essential businesses and individuals with property damage and personal liability protections from COVID-19-related claims, as long as they provided “good faith effort” to adhere to government regulations and didn’t act out of “gross negligence, wanton, willful, malicious, or intentional misconduct.” Businesses that don’t follow executive orders or other government guidance during the emergency won’t be covered by the law.

SB 5 doesn’t protect employers from personal injury claims, nor does it limit any enforcement actions by the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

What Should You Do?

  • Review your current policies and procedures and ensure they meet the latest government guidance and seek legal counsel as necessary.

Additional Resources

SB 5

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear News

Kentucky Department of Health

Kentucky’s Response to COVID-19 Executive Orders

Update 4/23/21: Unemployment

Update 4/23/21: Starting May 9, 2021, anyone seeking unemployment insurance benefits will be required to make and report at least 1 job contact every week in order to qualify for their bi-weekly benefits. Applicants must report the following information about where they’ve been applying for full-time work: company name, position title, name and title of company contact, date contact with the business was made, and method of contact. Be sure to consult the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance webpage and the Claimant Guide: Your Rights & Responsibility When Claiming Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

On January 12, 2021, Governor Andy Beshear issued Executive Order 2021-025 to create the Unemployment One-Time Relief Payment Program.

Claimants are broken down into two major categories:

  • Claimants under any Office of Unemployment Insurance (OUI) programs who would have otherwise qualified for a 2020 FEMA Lost Wages Assistance, but their weekly benefit was below $100, and who had an approved claim in November and December 2020 but their weekly benefit was below $176.
  • Claimants under any OUI program between March 4 – October 31, 2020, with a verified identity and no fraud, but whose claims weren’t decided on and paid.

Claimants who fall within the first category will receive $400, while claimants in the second category will receive $1,000.

Additional Resources

Kentucky Unemployment Insurance

Claimant Guide: Your Rights & Responsibilities When Claiming Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Executive Order 2021-025 (January 12, 2021)

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear News

Kentucky Department of Health

Kentucky’s Response to COVID-19 Executive Orders

UPDATE 6/15/21: Face Covering Mandate Ends for Fully Vaccinated, Remains in Certain Settings

Update 6/15/21: Governor Beshear issued Executive Order 2021-386 that ended the face covering mandate for everyone except in certain settings: public transportation, health care settings, and long-term care settings. The Order recommends that face coverings should be worn in homeless shelters, correctional facilities, if the person immune-compromised, showing symptoms of COVID-19, or tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days.

Update 2/26/21: Executive Order 2021-134 was issued to extend the face covering mandate for another 30 days, starting February 28, 2021.

Update 1/5/21: Executive Order 2020-1056 was issued to extend the face covering mandate for another 30 days, starting January 1, 2021.

Update 12/3/20: Executive Order 2020-996 was issued on December 3, 2020 to extend the face covering mandate for another 30 days effective immediately. Everyone must wear a face covering when entering or waiting to enter any retail space, while waiting for or riding public transportation or ride-sharing service, outdoor spaces where physical distancing requirements can’t be met. Exemptions can be found on page 3 of the Order.

Update 10/12/2020: Executive Order 2020-856 issued on October 6, 2020, to extend the face mask requirement for 30 days.

Update 9/8/20: Executive Order 2020-750 was issued to extend the face mask mandate for another 30 days.

Beginning July 10, 2020, all residents must wear a face covering whenever social distancing requirements can’t be met, regardless of whether inside and outside. Page 5 of Executive Order 2020-586 lists those people who are exempt from the requirement. On August 6, 2020, Governor Beshear announced that the face mask mandate will last another 30 days.

Emergency Bill with Business Provisions

Who: Kentucky businesses and employees

When: March 30, 2020

What: SB 150 provides the following support to businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Grants an additional 30 days to pay fees or follow normal requirements for licenses that expire before the state of emergency ends. Additionally, any licensing entities may waive any administrative or licensing fees during this time.

Unemployment insurance: The time period before unemployment benefits start has been waived and the base period has expanded to include additional employees who otherwise might not have qualified, like the self-insured and self-employed. SB 150 specifically states that it applies to employees whose hours have been reduced by “more than 10% and less than 60%.”

Telehealth: Healthcare providers may provide telehealth services provided unless specifically prohibited by federal or state law or state medical governing bodies.


  • Review your current unemployment practices and update them according to the new requirements.
  • As you make employment decisions, be sure to provide the proper support and options to your employees.
  • Review any upcoming or past licenses and grants and determine if the administering agency or entity has provided any leniency during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Be prepared to pay fees, file paperwork, or any other necessary requirements once the state of emergency lifts and regular operations resume.

Additional Resources

SB 150

All Non-Life Sustaining In-Person Retail Suspended

Who: Kentucky employers and employees

When: March 23, 2020 until the state of emergency ends or the order is ended by law

What: Governor Andy Beshear issued an Executive Order that all “in-person retail businesses that aren’t life-sustaining” must be closed.

Certain life-sustaining businesses can remain open but must abide by all government hygiene and health guidelines. These businesses include:

  • Grocery stores and liquor stores;
  • Pharmacies;
  • Automotive parts, repairs, and tire stores, as well as vehicle rental stores;
  • Gas stations and convenience stores;
  • Banks and financial service institutions;
  • Hardware stores;
  • Supply stores for buildings, gardens, and supply dealers;
  • Warehouse clubs and supercenters;
  • Pet and pet supply stores.

Although the Executive Order does not list gun stores as a life-sustaining business, it makes clear that the state will not interfere with the legal sale of firearms during this time.

Businesses that must close:

  • Automobile and other vehicle dealers (dealers can continue providing parts, repairs, and service as noted above, but their showrooms must close);
  • Department, cosmetics, beauty supply, perfume, clothing, shoes, jewelry, luggage and other leather goods stores, used merchandise stores;
  • Optical goods stores;
  • Other health and personal health care stores;
  • Sporting goods stores;
  • Music and musical instruments;
  • Book stores;
  • Electronics and appliance stores;
  • Florists;
  • Office supplies, stationery and gift stores.

However, businesses that are deemed non-life sustaining can receive online and telephone orders so long as they can arrange local delivery or curbside pickup.


Determine whether your business is considered essential. Assess your current workforce for who may be able to work remotely or is essential to be onsite.

When you’ve developed a plan to respond to the new regulations, consult with your legal counsel to ensure it’s compliant with the state rules. If you’re considering layoffs or furloughs, bear in mind the WARN Act.

Build a communication strategy to implement these changes in your workforce.

Provide support to your employees during this time and make yourself available to answer their questions and concerns.

Additional Resource

Executive Order

Kentucky HR and Workplace Regulations

June 28: Kentucky Amends Adoption Leave Law

Who: Kentucky employers

When: Effective June 28, 2021

What: Kentucky’s House Bill 210 amends the existing Adoption Leave Law, effective June 28, 2021. The amendment allows for an employee’s unpaid leave of absence of up to six weeks when adopting a child who is 10 years old or younger. Previously, the law applied only when then the adopted child was seven years old or younger. The amount of leave—six weeks—is the minimum an employer must provide under the new law. If the employer gives more than six weeks to birth parents, it must give the same amount of leave to adoptive parents.

Certain people are not eligible for adoptive parent leave, including fictive kin, stepparents, stepsiblings, or blood relatives of the adopted child. Also excluded from eligibility are foster parents who adopt a foster child already in their care.

The new law also requires employers to give covered adoptive parents the same leave benefits they give to birth parents. That applies to length of leave, but also to other protections, such as pay status, accrual of time toward seniority, paid time off, and job protection.


  • Review and update your adoption leave policies and update them as necessary to comply with the amended law.
  • Update forms, guides, employee handbooks, and other employee-facing documents to ensure your language is compliant with the amended law.

Additional Resources:

HB 210

July 1: Kentucky Helps the Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society and Obtain Employment

Who: Kentucky employers

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: On April 5, 2021, Kentucky Governor Beshear signed House Bill 497 into law, effective July 1, 2021. The legislation is intended to give Kentucky residents with criminal records a second chance at employment. The state intends to help ex-offenders successfully reenter society, obtain work, and avoid committing crimes that could result in returning to prison. The law relieves the employers who hire workers with criminal records of any civil liability.

The new law provides for the creation of a program that allows incarcerated persons to obtain a certificate of employability. To obtain the certificate, the offender must not commit a crime for a prescribed waiting period before release. Additionally, they must complete vocational or educational requirements and pass a skills assessment test that the Kentucky Department of Corrections (DOC) administers. Employers may request the certificate of employability from applicants and also verify its validity with the Kentucky DOC. Sex offenders are not eligible for the program.

Employers are not required to consider applicants with a criminal record.


  • Update your policies and procedures to reflect the new law.
  • Educate managers, supervisors, and HR personnel regarding the new law.

Additional Resources:

HB 497

Kentucky Reentry

Louisiana COVID-19 State Regulations

Updated 3/3/21: Face Covering Mandate

Update 3/3/21: Proclamation Number 29 JBE 2021 was issued and effective on March 3, 2021 to March 31, 2021, mandating all state residents wear a face covering at indoor and outdoor public spaces and any commercial businesses that are open to the public. The state is moving to Phase III of Resilient Louisiana.

Proclamation Number 89 JBE 2020 was issued and effective on July 13, 2020, mandating all state residents ages 8 years or older to wear a face covering in public spaces, regardless of whether they’re indoors or outdoors. Exemptions from this mandate can be found on page 3 of the Proclamation.

Businesses must require all people who enter their facilities to wear a face covering, unless the business is located in a parish that has exempted itself from the Proclamation or if the individual is exempt from the mandate.

The Order is effective to July 24, 2020 and could be extended.

Liability Protections Legislation to Help Businesses

Governor John Bel Edwards signed House Bill 826 into law, providing businesses with liability protections from customers and employees who file claims related to COVID-19 exposure. The bill is retroactive to March 11, 2020, the date Louisiana declared a state of emergency.

The new law provides that:

  • Businesses aren’t liable for injuries or deaths related to actual or possible exposure of COVID-19, unless the business failed to substantially comply with federal, state, or local COVID-19-related requirements and the injury or death was a result of the business’s “gross negligence…or reckless misconduct.”
  • Event planners aren’t liable for injury or death related to actual or possible exposure of COVID-19 when hosting or organizing and event, such as an exhibition or sporting event, unless a result of “gross negligence…or reckless misconduct.”
  • Employees who contract COVID-19 in the workplace have no tort remedy unless the exposure was intentional.
  • Businesses that manufacture, distribute, or are involved in the business of Personal Protective Equipment in response to COVID-19 aren’t liable for injury or death caused by COVID-19, unless a result of “gross negligence…or reckless misconduct.”

Although the new law provides businesses with protection, it is still important to ensure that all Louisiana organizations are upholding federal, state, and local COVID-19-related requirements.

Additional Resource

HB 826

Louisiana HR and Workplace Compliance Regulations

Pregnancy Now a Protected Condition in Louisiana

Who: Louisiana employers with 25 or more employees

When: Effective immediately

What: Louisiana passed SB215, which goes into effect on August 1, 2021. The law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees for conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. There is an exception for cases where it would place an undue hardship on the employer.

Examples of reasonable accommodations specified in the law are more frequent breaks, light duty, devices necessary to perform essential functions, and modified work schedules. An employer doesn’t need to create a new position as an accommodation unless it already does so for other employees.

The statute protects pregnant workers from being discriminated against in terms of selection for a training program that leads to promotion, except when the employee can’t complete the training at least three months prior to her due date. Pregnant women are also protected from being discharged or discriminated against in terms of compensation and terms of employment.

Employers must give existing employees notice of the new requirements by December 1, 2021, by way of posting the notice in a conspicuous area, and employers must notify new employees when they start employment.


  • Review your internal policies to ensure they are in compliance with the law.
  • Monitor the Louisiana Workforce Commission Department of Labor for the new notice.
  • Post the new notice in the workplace by December 1, 2021.
  • Notify new employees about the law when they begin their employment.

Additional Resources:


Louisiana Workforce Commission The Department of Labor

Mississippi COVID-19 State Regulations

NEW 3/3/21: Face Covering Mandate Lifted

Governor Tate Reeve issued Executive Order 1549 to lift the state’s face covering mandate effective on March 3, 2021 and lasting until March 31, 2021. It repeals Executive Orders 1535 and 1536 and respective amendments.

Executive Order 1549 continues to encourage the use of face coverings and health and safety measures when people are in public spaces and social distancing can’t be maintained. It also gives county and local authorities the ability to adopt and implement rules and regulations that are stricter than the state.

What Should Employers Do?

  • Conduct a hazards assessment program to evaluate the risk of your employees of exposure.
  • Determine if you will require masks, occupancy restrictions or other measures.
  • Develop and executive a communications plan for your employees and customers to set expectations with everyone.
  • Evaluate your COVID-19 or pandemic response program and employee training based on this new guidance.
  • Consult with your legal counsel and review your plan with them.

Additional Resources

Executive Order 1549

Mississippi Governor Coronavirus

Mississippi Department of Health

Mississippi Executive Orders

Legislation Provides Liability Protection to Businesses

Effective July 8, 2020 retroactively effective back to March 14, 2020

What: Legislation SB 3049 was signed into law by Governor Tate Reeve to provide civil lawsuit protections for COVID-19-related activities. People and organizations aren’t liable for injuries or death resulting from actual or possible exposure to COVID-19 as long as the person or organization can show a good faith effort to adhere to public health guidelines and didn’t willfully or intentionally violate requirements.

Under this new law, people are defined as individuals, for-profit and non-profit organizations, associations, charitable organizations, religious entities, the state and political subdivisions, and health care organizations and professionals.

Health care professionals and organizations are also extended immunity in instances where they have provided from the start date of the declaration of emergency and up to one year following the emergency. Health care activities that are covered by the law include:

  • Services for screening, diagnosing, assessing, or treating people retroactively;
  • Delaying or canceling elective or unurgent services;
  • Diagnosing or treating people or using equipment or supplies that fall outside the normal scope of the professional’s license or practice;
  • Off label use of prescriptions that are related to the COVID-19 emergency;
  • Testing performed outside of a health care facility; and
  • Acts that are a result of the lack of staffing, facilities, equipment, supplies, or other resources.

The law, under section 5, also provides immunity to businesses that manufactures, sells, distributes, labels, donates, etc. products that are part of the pandemic response. These products could be anything from PPE, medical devices, or supplies and also includes the off-label use of medications and the use of diagnosis tests that are approved by or submitted to the FDA. It also covers people who supply PPE and sanitizing products to outside of their regular course of business.

Additional Resource

SB 3049

North Carolina HR and Workplace Regulations

Orange County Expands Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Who: Orange County, North Carolina employers

When: Effective immediately

What: State HB 142 expired in December 2020, which means local North Carolina governments must pass or reinstate their own ordinances if they want to keep the anti-discrimination law in effect. On January 19, 2021, Orange County expanded its definition of protected class to include age (40 years of age or older), race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, familial status, source of income, disability, political affiliation, veteran status, and disabled veteran status.

The ordinance does not explicitly prohibit discriminatory conduct by employers. It prohibits Orange County from entering into a contract with any business that has discriminated against any protected class. Discriminatory practices encompass the solicitation, selection, hiring, or treatment of vendors and suppliers. The new ordinance also prohibits an entity from denying public accommodations to any individual on the basis of a protected status.


  • Update your nondiscrimination and retaliation policy to be in compliance with the law.

Additional Resources:

Orange County Non-Discrimination/Retaliation Policy

North Carolina COVID-19 State Regulations

Business Operations Restricted

Who: North Carolina employers and employees

When: March 27, 2020

What: Governor Roy Cooper issued an Executive Order 121 with key actions to combat the COVID-19 outbreak:

  • Stay at home or place of residence order.
  • All COVID-19 Essential Businesses and Operations are directed, to the maximum extent possible, to direct employees to work from home or telework.
  • Essential Retail Businesses may continue to operate.
  • Mass gatherings of more than 10 people in a single room or single space are prohibited and certain businesses should stop operations
  • Schools are closed through May 15, 2020.

The executive order references “Essential Businesses” as those defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency:

  • Health care and public health;
  • Law enforcement, public safety, emergency responders;
  • Food and agriculture;
  • Energy;
  • Water and wastewater;
  • Transportation and logistics, including automotive repair and automotive maintenance facilities;
  • Public works;
  • Other community-based government operations and essential functions;
  • Critical manufacturing like pharmaceuticals, medical supply chains, energy, communications, food and agriculture, chemical manufacturing;
  • Hazardous materials;
  • Financial Services;
  • Chemical; and
  • Defense industries.

“Essential Retail Businesses” are electronic retailers that sell or service cell phones, computers, tablets, and other communications technology; lawn and garden equipment retailers; book stores that sell educational material; beer, wine, and liquor stores’ retail functions of gas stations and convenience stores; retail located within healthcare facilities; and pet and feed stores.

To the extent possible, all COVID-19 Essential Businesses and Operations (including Essential Retail Business) shall maintain the Social Distancing Requirements, which is to maintain 6 feet distancing from other individuals, washing hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds, regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces, and facilitating online or remote access by customers if possible.

The limit on mass gatherings doesn’t apply to normal operations at airports, bus and train stations, medical facilities, libraries, shopping malls and centers. It also does not include any COVID-19 Essential Business or Operation as defined in the Executive Order.

Businesses that are not “Essential Businesses and Operations” are required to cease all activities and reduce to Minimum Basic Operations. Minimum Basic Operations include the minimum necessary activities to maintain the value of the business’s inventory, preserve the condition of the business’s physical plant and equipment, ensure security, process payroll and employee benefits, or related functions. Note that the businesses that were ordered closed by Executive Orders 118 and 120, the latter noted below, shall remain closed.

In Executive Order 120, Governor Roy Cooper ordered entertainment facilities without any retail or food services, as well as personal care businesses, to close on March 25, 2020. Examples of these entertainment facilities include bingo parlors, bowling alleys, indoor exercise facilitates, health clubs, pools, performance venues, movie theaters, skating rinks, spas, and gaming facilities. Examples of personal care businesses include barber shops, beauty salons, hair salons, nail salons, massage parlors, and tattoo parlors.


Review your current telework and leave policies and procedures to help accommodate employees’ childcare needs.

Determine if your business is impacted by these restrictions and if you need to plan a response to new regulations, consult with your legal counsel to ensure it’s compliant with the state rules.

Additional Resources

Executive Order No. 120

Executive Order No. 121

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Materials and Resources

COVID-19 Response in North Carolina

Unemployment Claims

Who: North Carolina employers and employees

When: March 18, 2020 until the State of Emergency ends

What: Governor Roy Cooper issued an Executive Order with two main actions: restrict the operations of restaurants and bars and expand the availability of unemployment benefits for workers affected by COVID-19. The latter is what will be discussed here.

Unemployment Expansion

Under the Order, the state Department of Commerce has the authority to ensure that workers who, as a result of COVID-19, are unemployed, have reduced hours, or are prevented from working due to a medical condition caused by COVID-19 are eligible for maximum unemployment benefits permitted by federal law.

Employers’ accounts won’t be charged for benefits paid to COVID-19 related claims.

Using quarantine and isolation orders as control methods, the Department can interpret flexibly or waive, as appropriate, the following:

  • The 1-week waiting period for benefits;
  • The ability to work and available to work requirements;
  • The actively seeking work requirements; and
  • The “lack of work” requirement

The Order delays all in-person contact usually required for unemployment benefits. It also allows applications and weekly certifications to be filed remotely, via phone or internet.


Consult with your legal counsel as you make decisions regarding employment.

As you make employment changes, provide support to your employees during this time and make yourself available to answer their questions and concerns.

Additional Resource

Executive Order 118

Oklahoma COVID-19 State Regulations

South Carolina COVID-19 State Regulations

NEW: Liability Protections for Businesses

Who: For-profit and nonprofit businesses, state agencies, health care providers and services, and individuals who are part of the business or state agency

When: Retroactive back to March 13, 2020 and effective to June 30, 2021, or 180 days after South Carolina’s state of emergency is lifted

What: Organizations need to show “reasonable” compliance with public health guidance in order to be covered under the protections. These organizations are immune from any claim or action that came from an actual, alleged, or feared exposure or contraction of COVID-19 that may have occurred on business premises, during operations, or through use of products or services.

It also includes immunity for health care services, including off-label use of medications to combat COVID-19, providing health care related to COVID-19 that is outside of the provider’s scope of practice, using equipment or other supplies to fight or treat the virus outside of the normal use of the equipment or supplies, and the manufacture or donation of equipment or supplies like PPE due to shortages.

Exceptions. There are some exceptions to immunity, mainly if the business or individual was negligent, reckless, willful, or intentional misconduct, or failed to attempt to comply with public health guidance.

It also doesn’t apply to any actions or remedies that fall under the state’s Workers’ Compensation Law.

Additional Resources

SB 147

Updated 5/10/21: Unemployment Benefits Expanded 6 Weeks

Update 5/10/21: Governor McMaster announced that on June 30, 2021, Federal Unemployment Benefits will end. That includes the following federal programs:

  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
  • Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
  • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)
  • Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC)
  • Emergency Unemployment Relief for Governmental Entities and Nonprofit Organizations
  • Temporary Federal Funding of First Week of Compensable Regular Unemployment for States with No Waiting Week

In July 2020, Governor Henry McMaster issued Executive Order 20-25 to add six weeks to the Extended Benefits program for unemployment. This additional time is on top of the 10 weeks of extended benefits announced earlier in the month.

Extended Benefits are available only to those individuals that have used their 20 weeks of regular unemployment benefits and 13 weeks of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program benefits. The Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) is the same as the person received for standard unemployment insurance.

Additionally, Executive Order 2020-22 was issued to allow furloughed employees to still qualify for unemployment benefits if they receive “COVID-19 Support Payments” from their employers.

Additional Resources

Executive Order 20-25

South Carolina Department of Health

South Carolina Executive Orders

Executive Order 20-22 COVID-19 Support Payments by Employers

Employment and Workfore Federal Programs

South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce

Tennessee COVID-19 State Regulations

Federal Unemployment Assistance Ends July 3, 2021

Governor Bill Lee announced that Tennessee will no longer participate in the federal pandemic unemployment assistance programs as of July 3, 2021.

This change will halt the supplemental $300/week payments that fell under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program, as well as the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Idaho never participated in the Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation Program.

Unemployment insurance claimants are required to complete three weekly job searches in order to continue receiving benefits. This requirement has been in place since October 4, 2020.

Additional Resources

Tennessee Office of the Governor Coronavirus Resources

Tennessee Executive Orders

Welcome to the American Job Center of Tennessee!

Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development Jobs4TN@Gov

Vaccine Passports Banned

On May 26, 2021, the Governor signed Senate Bill No. 858 to ban government-issued vaccine passports.  The law prohibits state and local governments (including local county boards of health) from requiring private businesses to mandate proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a term of using services or entering the premises.

What Should You Do?

  • Review your current policies and procedures and update them to comply with the current law.
  • Consult with your legal counsel regarding any changes you make to your vaccination documentation policies and procedures.

Additional Resources

Senate Bill No. 858

Tennessee Office of the Governor Coronavirus Resources

Tennessee Executive Orders

Liability Law Passes

Who: Tennessee businesses, healthcare providers, schools, nonprofits, and other individuals and entities

When: August 17, 2020. The law ends July 1, 2022, and applies to COVID-19 claims, except those filed before August 3, 2020.


Governor Bill Lee signed the COVID-19 Liability Shield Law to expand the protection of businesses from COVID-19-related lawsuits brought by employees, customers, and the public. Individuals who file a claim against a business must provide clear and convincing evidence that the organization exhibited gross negligence or willful misconduct that resulted in death, damage, injury, or loss.

Claimants must:

  • File a verified complaint against the organization that details the negligence or misconduct
  • Provide a certificate of good faith that the individual has consulted with a physician licensed in Tennessee or a bordering state,
  • A physician’s written statement of competency to state that the damage caused was a result of the business.

Additional Resource


Texas COVID-19 State Regulations

Texas-specific COVID-19 regulations can be found here >>

Virginia HR and Workplace Compliance Regulations

Effective July 1: Virginia Passes Recreational Marijuana Law

Who: Virginia employers

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: On April 21, 2021, Virginia’s Governor Northam signed Senate Bill 1406 into law, which legalizes recreational marijuana. The law establishes the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority, which will regulate adult use and sales of marijuana. Effective July 1, 2021, persons aged 21 and older may lawfully possess up to one ounce of cannabis or the equivalent amount of cannabis products. Adults may grow up to four cannabis plants at home. Retail sales of the drug will not commence until January 1, 2024.

SB 1406 does not offer employment protections for employees who use recreational marijuana. Employers may prohibit use of marijuana, prohibit possession of marijuana on company property, perform drug testing for marijuana, and take adverse actions against employees who violate the company’s marijuana-related policies. The only exception is for workers who are legally using medical marijuana, and employers cannot terminate or discipline these workers solely on the basis of a positive drug test for marijuana.


  • Review your policies and update them as necessary.

Additional Resources:

SB 1406

Virginia Cannabis Control Act

Effective July 1: Virginia Amends Medical Marijuana Law

Who: Virginia employers

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: On March 5, 2021, Virginia’s Governor Northam amended the medicine cannabis law, which prohibits discrimination for medical cannabis users and provides employment protections for legal users of the substance, effective July 1, 2021. Employers may not take adverse actions or discriminate against employees for legal use of medical cannabis oil. The law does not restrict an employer’s ability to prohibit possession of medical cannabis oil at work or to take adverse employment action if legal use results in impairment at work.

If an employee discloses that they are a medical marijuana cardholder with a legal prescription for medical cannabis oil before a drug test and the test comes back positive, an employer may not take adverse action solely on the basis of the test. The employer must document other reasons that support a decision to take adverse action.

The law states that if compliance with the law would cause an employer to be in violation of federal law or lose a federal contract or federal funding, the employer may prohibit the use of medical cannabis oil and take adverse action against the employee for violation of that policy. Defense industrial base sector employers may also refuse to hire or retain any worker who tests positive for THC in excess of amounts specified in the law.


  • Review your policies and update them as necessary.

Additional Resources:

Chapter 395

Effective July 1: Virginia Expands Protections for Disabled Persons

Who: Virginia employers with 5 or more employees

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: With the passage of House Bill 1848, Virginia expanded its Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Covered employers must make reasonable accommodation for workers’ known physical and mental impairments if the accommodation is necessary to assist them in performing their job. The only exception is in the case where it would cause undue hardship for the employer. To support a case for undue hardship, the employer must consider a number of factors as outlined in the law.

Employers may not take adverse action against an employee who requests reasonable accommodation, nor may they refuse to hire or promote an employee on the basis that it would require reasonable accommodation.


  • Review your policies to ensure compliance with the law.
  • Update your employee handbook to include information about the employee’s right to request reasonable accommodation.
  • Post the related poster and notice once they are available.
  • Provide information about the law to all new employees and within 10 days to any employee who notifies you of their disability.

Additional Resources:

HB 1848

Virginia Human Rights Act

Effective July 1: Virginia Passes Overtime Wage Law

Who: Virginia employers

When: Effective July 1, 2021

What: On March 31, 2021, Virginia’s Governor Northam signed the Virginia Overtime Wage Act into law, which takes effect July 1, 2021. Previously, Virginia employers used the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines to calculate overtime pay.

The new law requires Virginia employers to calculate the rate of regular pay for salaried employees differently than in the FLSA. The Act requires employers to calculate the regular rate for hourly and salaried non-exempt  employees by dividing all compensation the employee earned in a given workweek by 40. As before, employers must pay the employee 1.5 times the employee’s regular rate for all overtime hours.

The Act extends the statute of limitations to bring potential claims to three years. It also increases the potential damages available to a prevailing employee by making all overtime wage violations subject to mandatory double damages plus prejudgment interest at 8% a year. In addition, employees can be awarded treble damages for an employer’s “knowing” violation. There is no good-faith defense option under the Virginia law.


  • Review your employee classifications to determine all are correctly categorized as exempt or nonexempt.
  • Review your overtime pay practices to ensure compliance with the FLSA and new Virginia overtime law.

Additional Resources:

Virginia Overtime Wage Act

Virginia Minimum Wage Increases to $9.50/Hour

Who: Virginia employers

When: Effective May 1, 2021

What: On April 22, 2020, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law that increases the state’s minimum wage to $12.00 per hour by 2023. As of May 1, the minimum wage is $9.50 per hour. For tipped employees, tips plus wages must now equal at least $9.50 per hour. Employers must pay trainees the greater of the federal minimum wage or 75% of the Virginia minimum wage and can pay the trainee wage only for a maximum of 90 days.

Some employees that were previously exempt from minimum wage laws are now eligible:

  • Domestic servants, such as maids, companions, and cooks;
  • Home care providers; and
  • Babysitters who work more than 10 hours per week.

There are other classes of workers who remain exempt. Additional minimum wage increases are scheduled for January 1, 2022 (to $11.00 per hour) and January 1, 2023 (to $12.00 per hour).

Employers are not required to post a notice of minimum wage, but there is a notice available if desired.


  • Review employee classification policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the new law.
  • Post the Minimum Wage Poster Notice if desired.

Additional Resources:

Virginia Minimum Wage Poster Notice & FAQs

SB 7

Virginia COVID-19 State Regulations

Virginia Amends Permanent COVID-19 Workplace Safety Standard

On September 2, 2021, the Governor approved recent amendments made by the VOSH to the Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention (VS), of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. The standard took effect on September 8, 2021.

The amendments made in August include the following changes and new deadlines:

  • Exposure risk levels were removed so that all requirements are applicable to all Virginia employers, with additional requirements for health care and “higher risk workplaces.” The latter term is defined as being a workplace with unvaccinated employees or location in a high or substantial transmission region of the state, or workplaces where unvaccinated employees or at-risk employees work in proximity to each other, or in poorly ventilated areas where others are present, share employer-provided transportation, or will be exposed to the virus through droplets or aerosols.
  • Infectious disease preparedness and response plans are required now for any health care, health care support, or higher-risk workplaces with 11 or more employees. Employers may exclude fully vaccinated employees from the headcount. By October 8, 2021, the infectious disease preparedness and response plan requirements must be implemented.
  • Training is now only required for health care, health care support, or higher-risk workplaces. The training must cover the hazards and characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease. Employees that are fully vaccinated only need to be provided with written information on specific topics.  Training requirements are effective by November 7, 2021,.
  • Employee vaccinations aren’t required but there are additional requirements for unvaccinated employees. Employers should verify vaccination status, although they don’t have to require proof of vaccination.
  • Face coverings are still required to be provided by employers to at-risk employees, unvaccinated workers, and any vaccinated employees who work in substantial or high community transmission areas. In these circumstances, employees must wear the face coverings indoors.
  • Reporting now is required when 2 or more employees have tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day period. Employers are required to report these cases to the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry within 24 hours.

There is a chance that additional changes may be forthcoming, Virginia’s Permanent Standard doesn’t reflect President Bidens recent 6-point action plan.

Additional Resources

Outreach, Education And Training For Virginia Standard For Infectious Disease Prevention Of The SARS-CoV-2 Virus That Causes COVID-19, 16VAC25-220

Previous COVID-19 Workplace Safety Standard Information

Who: Virginia employers

When: Effective Immediately

Virginia’s Permanent COVID-19 Workplace Standard, took effect on January 27, 2021, following the expiration of the temporary standard on January 26, 2021.

The standards are largely the same, but the Permanent Standard was updated to include:

  • Face coverings should consist of 2 or more layers, including neck gaiters, and shouldn’t have exhalation valves or vents. Face shields aren’t a substitute for a face covering, surgical mask, or respirator. Employees with health conditions that prevent them from wearing a face covering, may wear a hooded shield or a shield that covers the chin and wraps around the face. Non-employees have been added to the list of people to who employers must provide masks or face coverings.
  • Occupational exposure is now defined as 2 days prior to symptoms appearing or a positive test and 10 days after.
  • Reporting requirements to the Virginia Department of Health are now necessary for 2 cases within a 14-day period (the ETS required this for every case) and any subsequent infections. Once the outbreak is closed by the state health department, you will revert back to only reporting when there are 2 cases in 14 days.
  • Returning to work strategy is now based on meeting 3 criteria: 1) the employee’s temperature is below 100.0°F for a minimum of 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication, 2) improve respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough or shortness of breath), 3) 10 days have gone by since symptoms first appeared. It should be noted that in severe cases of the illness or immuno-compromised employees, 20 days after the onset of symptoms may be necessary.
  • Employees in vehicles need to wear face coverings, open windows, and use procedures that maximize separation in the vehicle (e.g., occupancy limits or alternating seats).
  • ANSI standards for ventilation requirements were removed but language was added including “increasing airflow within the parameters” of the workplace’s system and using natural ventilation. Additional ventilation standards were added for hazards or job tasks that are considered “very high,” “high,” or “medium,” risk including inspecting filter housing to minimize bypass, increasing air filtration (as long as it doesn’t surpass the system’s capabilities), and ensure restroom exhaust fans are on during occupancy.
  • Enforcement: Action won’t be taken if an employer fails to provide PPE when PPE isn’t readily available. OSHA will consult the Virginia Department of Health in cases where the availability of PPE is in question.

A new deadline for infectious disease and preparedness response plans and training requirements has been set for March 26, 2021. 

Failure to comply with the Permanent Standard could see fines of up to $12, 726 for serious violations and up to $127,254 for willful violations.

After the Governor’s State of Emergency and the Declaration of Public Emergency has expired, a meeting will be held within 14 days to determine if the need for this standard is still necessary.


  • For KPA customers who have the COVID-19 Safety Program, your consultant is working on updating your program and will be sending your updated program for review and approval. Please respond quickly so we can get your new program published.
  • Consult with your legal counsel to determine if any changes need to be made to your workplace policies and procedures. 
  • If you haven’t already, be sure you’ve conducted an assessment of exposure risk levels for every position.
  • Review your infectious disease and preparedness response plans by March 26, 2021, to ensure their compliance with the permanent standard.
  • Review your training courses and ensure your employees have been trained (if they haven’t been already) by March 26, 2021.

Additional Resources:

Outreach, Education And Training For The COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard, 16VAC25-220

Emergency Temporary Standard Information:

The Virginia legislature adopted statewide COVID-19 workplace safety standards. The final language states that all businesses must ensure the following:

  • Workers practice social distancing.
  • Workers wear face coverings.
  • Employers provide access to hand washing or hand sanitizer.
  • High-contact surfaces are sanitized frequently.
  • All employees are notified within 24 hours if a co-worker tests positive for COVID-19.
  • Any employee who is “known or suspected” to be positive for COVID-19 cannot return to work for 10 days, or until that person receives 2 consecutive negative test results.
  • Employers complete a hazard assessment by job category for potential exposure to COVID-19.
  • Governor Northam also included in his announcement that there will be mandatory “infectious disease preparedness and response plans, record keeping, training, and hazard communications.”

The Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program is enforcing the standards. Penalties could range from $13,000 to $130,000.

The emergency standards will expire in 6 months, or when Virginia’s State of Emergency ends, or if a permanent standard is implemented.

But there are other certain effective dates you need to know. You have:

  • 60 days from July 27, 2020, to respond with a written infectious disease preparedness and response plan, if required for your facility (September 25, 2020).
  • 30 days from July 27, 2020, to make sure all of your employees have been trained and you have written certification records for those employees (August 26, 2020).
  • To evaluate your workplace and conduct a hazard assessment by job description for the likelihood of contact with COVID-19 (due upon release of the final rule on July 27, 2020).


  • Conduct a Hazards Assessment. Review and audit your current practices, identify areas for improvement, and additional protocols you may need to implement.
  • Review the final language with your legal counsel to ensure you have a clear understanding of what is required of employers. 
  • Work and communicate with your employees about the importance of a safe work environment. Train them on the proper procedures you’ve put in place and any required training courses.

Additional Resources

§16VAC25-220, Emergency Final Standard

§16VAC25-220, Emergency Temporary Standard

Outreach, Education And Training For The COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard, 16VAC25-220

Forward Virginia Reopening Plan

Beginning May 15, 2020, Virginia will start Phase I of its 3-phased reopening plan, Forward Virginia. Each phase may last from 2 to 4 weeks. As part of the reopening plan, the current Stay-At-Home Order will be replaced with a Safer At Home Order.

Update 6/24/20: Governor Northam announced that Phase III will begin on July 1, 2020 and released Phase III guidelines for all business sectors to adhere to. On June 18, the Governor released an outline of what Phase III will look like in a press release.

Update 6/4/20: Virginia will begin Phase II on June 5, 2020, allowing businesses like fitness centers, farmers markets, retail, and more to reopen under industry-specific requirements for social distancing, hygiene, and sanitation. See Executive Order 3rd Amended No. 61 and Safer At Home: Phase Two Guidelines For All Business Sectors. See Executive Order 2nd Amended No. 61 for the expansion of activities at public beaches and racetracks.

Update 5/29/20: Executive Order No. 63 requires face masks for all employees of essential retail business employees. State residents are also required to wear face masks in public.

Update 5/20/20: The Forward Virginia Reopening Plan was updated to include additional information on what Phase I and Phase II look like for businesses.

Update 5/18/20: Under Executive Order EO-62, Northern Virginia counties won’t begin Phase I until May 28, 2020. Be sure to check your local orders to ensure your business is in compliance with all regulations.

Phase I will continue to require social distancing, teleworking, and limited gatherings of less than 10 people, and provide the recommendation that everyone in public wear face coverings. For businesses, Phase I will include developing and enforcing policies to keep employees and customers separate, allowing for handwashing breaks, and limited capacity for gyms, restaurants, and retail stores.

Update: See additional guidance in the Phase I Guidelines for All Business Sectors and Forward Virginia Guidelines.

Additional Resources

Executive Order 61

Forward Virginia Guidelines

Safer At Home: Phase I Guidelines for All Business Sectors

Amended Number 53 (2020) Executive Order

Forward Virginia

Virginia Department of Health

Virginia Executive Orders

Business and Gathering Restrictions

Who: Virginia employers, employees, and residents

When: March 24, 2020 through April 23, 2020 (Updated to May 8, 2020, through an extension of Executive Order No. 53)


Governor Ralph Northam issued an Executive Order prohibiting gatherings of 10 or more individuals, closing K–12 schools for the remainder of the 2019–2020 school year, closing recreational and entertainment businesses, limiting patronage at certain retail establishments, and closing dining areas in food and beverage establishments. Delivery and take-out food and beverages from these restaurants are still available.

Childcare facilities may remain open within previously stated guidelines. Families that can keep their children at home are asked to do so.

Essential retail businesses may remain open during normal business hours. Those businesses are:

  • Grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retailers that sell food and beverage products or pharmacy products;
  • Medical, laboratory, and vision supply retailers;
  • Electronic retailers that sell or service cell phones, computers, and other communications technology;
  • Automotive parts, accessories, and tire retailers, automotive repair facilities;
  • Home improvement, hardware, building material, and building supply retailers;
  • Lawn and garden equipment retailers;
  • Beer, wine, and liquor stores;
  • Gas stations and convenience stores;
  • Retail located within healthcare facilities;
  • Banks and other financial institutions with retail functions;
  • Pet and feed stores;
  • Printing and office supply stores; and
  • Laundromats and dry cleaners.

Brick-and-mortar businesses not listed above may remain open if they are able to limit in-person patrons to no more than 10 at a time and maintain proper social distancing of six feet. If you cannot meet those requirements, you must close the business. If your business provides professional services, arrange for employees to work from home if at all possible. If telework is not possible, these businesses should maintain social distancing recommendations and enhanced sanitizing practices.

Other services that are considered essential and may remain open are:

  • Health care and medical services;
  • Essential services for low-income residents;
  • Media operations;
  • Law enforcement; and
  • Government operations.


  • Determine if your business is defined as essential and may remain open during normal business hours.
  • Arrange for employees to work from home whenever possible. If telework is not possible, create policies to the ensure safety of all employees reporting to work, including but not limited to social distancing recommendations, enhanced sanitization practices, and limiting physical touch with customers and other employees.
  • If your business is not essential, and it is not a recreational or entertainment business, develop a strategy for adhering to the requirement for no more than 10 patrons at a time in your establishment, while adhering to social distancing recommendations.
  • When you’ve developed a plan to respond to the new regulations, consult with your legal counsel to ensure it’s compliant with the state rules.
  • Build a communication strategy to implement these changes in your workforce.
  • Provide support to your employees during this time and make yourself available to answer their questions and concerns.
  • There may be potential discrepancies between state and local orders. If you believe there may be a discrepancy affecting you or your business, you should contact your local government and/or competent local counsel for further advice.

Additional Resources

Executive Order 53 (2020)

Frequently Asked Questions (re: Executive Order 53)

Coronavirus VOSH Hazard Alert

West Virginia HR and Workplace Compliance Regulations

NEW: West Virginia Enacts Worker Classification Legislation

Who: West Virginia employers

When: Effective June 9, 2021

What: West Virginia’s Governor Justice signed SB 272 into law—the West Virginia Employment Law Workers Classification Act. The purpose of the law is to provide clear guidelines as to which workers should be classified as employees and which should be classified as independent contractors. It specifically excludes on-demand drivers, who are classified as independent contractors. The Act applies only to certain provisions of the West Virginia Code: workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation benefits, Human Rights Act rights, and wage payment and collection provision.

The law specifies that a person must meet several criteria in order to qualify as an independent contractor. First, there must be a written contract between the principal of the hiring business and the contractor that states the principal’s intent to engage the services of the person as an independent contractor and contains an acknowledgment by the contractor that they:

  • Are providing services as an independent contractor;
  • Will not be treated as an employee;
  • Will not be eligible for workers’ compensation or unemployment benefits;
  • Must pay all applicable federal and state income taxes;
  • Will not be subject to tax withholdings by the principal; and
  • Are responsible for the majority of the supplies and other variable expenses incurred in connection with the contracted services except under certain circumstances.

Further, the worker must file or be contractually obligated to file an income tax return for fees earned or provide the services through a business entity that directly controls the how the work is to be accomplished.

Lastly, three or more of the following nine criteria must apply. The worker:

  1. Has control over the amount of time personally spent providing services;
  2. Has control over where the services are performed;
  3. Is not required to work exclusively for one principal except in certain limited circumstances;
  4. Is free to exercise independent initiative in soliciting others to purchase their services;
  5. Is free to hire employees or to contract with assistants, helpers, or substitutes to perform all or some of the work;
  6. Cannot be required to perform additional services without a new or modified contract;
  7. Obtains a license or other permission from the principal to utilize any workspace of the principal in order to perform the work for which the worker was engaged;
  8. Has not been reclassified by the IRS as an employee or; or
  9. Is responsible for maintaining and bearing the costs of any required business licenses, insurance, certifications, or permits required to perform the services.


  • Review the criteria to determine if your organization is complying with the new worker classification law.

Additional Resources:

SB 272

West Virginia COVID-19 State Regulations

NEW 11/14/20: Face Covering Mandate

Effective November 14, 2020, everyone over the age of 9 must wear a face covering in confined indoor spaces with people outside their household, regardless of social distance.

Businesses must ensure that any customers or other members of the public that enter their space, comply with the face covering mandate. Adequate signage should be displayed to notify the public of this order.

Exemptions can be found on page 3 of the Order.

Additional Resources

Back to Workplace Safety Rules>>>

Emily Hartman

Emily is a Marketing Manager here at KPA. She’s using the mad communications skills she learned in Washington, D.C., to break down technical information into news you can use.

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