Mill Services Training Courses
Driver Safety
This lesson identifies driving hazards and distractions, how to manage driving in adverse weather conditions, maintaining safe driving strategies when you encounter unexpected road conditions, and how to proactively practice safe driving techniques.
ViewDropped and Falling Objects
This training discusses the dangers of dropped or falling objects in the workplace. Understanding the causes and prevention techniques for these types of incidents will ensure the work environment remains safe.
Electrical Safety
Electricity powers the world around us. KPA's Electrical Safety training provides basic tips on how the average employee can work safely with and around electricity.
ViewEmployee Engagement in Safety
Safety is a mindset. KPA's Employee Engagement in Safety training helps your employees adopt a safety mindset. It shows how a safety-minded employee is proactive, diligent, and committed.
KPA shares ergonomic practices for safe working, bending, and lifting to prevent strains and sprains in the online Ergonomics safety training.
KPA shares ergonomic practices for safe working, bending, and lifting to prevent strains and sprains in the online Ergonomics safety training.
ViewFall Protection
This general awareness training discusses the importance of fall protection in the workplace. It includes types of fall hazards, guardrail systems, how to properly use fall arrest equipment, and why fall clearances are important to know.
ViewFall Protection
This general awareness training discusses the importance of fall protection in the workplace. It includes types of fall hazards, guardrail systems, how to properly use fall arrest equipment, and why fall clearances are important to know.
ViewFire Prevention
This training discusses basic fire prevention methods. It also includes employer responsibilities, fire hazards, controls, and proper fire extinguisher use.
ViewFire Prevention
This training discusses basic fire prevention methods. It also includes employer responsibilities, fire hazards, controls, and proper fire extinguisher use.
ViewHand Safety and Machine Guarding
Hands play an important role in many job functions. KPA's online Hand Awareness and Machine Guarding safety training covers topics such as hand hazards, hand position awareness, and the importance of proper machine guarding.
ViewHand Safety and Machine Guarding
Hands play an important role in many job functions. KPA's online Hand Awareness and Machine Guarding safety training covers topics such as hand hazards, hand position awareness, and the importance of proper machine guarding.