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KPA shares ergonomic practices for safe working, bending, and lifting to prevent strains and sprains in the online Ergonomics safety training.


Fall Protection

This general awareness training discusses the importance of fall protection in the workplace. It includes types of fall hazards, guardrail systems, how to properly use fall arrest equipment, and why fall clearances are important to know.


Fall Protection

This general awareness training discusses the importance of fall protection in the workplace. It includes types of fall hazards, guardrail systems, how to properly use fall arrest equipment, and why fall clearances are important to know.


Fire Prevention

This training discusses basic fire prevention methods. It also includes employer responsibilities, fire hazards, controls, and proper fire extinguisher use.


Fire Prevention

This training discusses basic fire prevention methods. It also includes employer responsibilities, fire hazards, controls, and proper fire extinguisher use.


Hand Safety and Machine Guarding

Hands play an important role in many job functions. KPA's online Hand Awareness and Machine Guarding safety training covers topics such as hand hazards, hand position awareness, and the importance of proper machine guarding.


Hand Safety and Machine Guarding

Hands play an important role in many job functions. KPA's online Hand Awareness and Machine Guarding safety training covers topics such as hand hazards, hand position awareness, and the importance of proper machine guarding.


Hand Safety

This general awareness training gives an overview of hand hazards and prevention methods. This includes the use of machine guarding, wearing the proper personal protective equipment, following standard operating procedures, and properly maintaining tools and equipment.


Hazard Communication

This general awareness training covers the basics of hazard communication. It includes the elements of safety data sheets, container labeling, and best practices to follow.


Hazard Recognition

This general awareness training discusses the importance of hazard recognition in the workplace. It covers types of hazards, best practices for hazard identification, and steps to take to protect yourself and others from hazards.


Hazard Recognition

This general awareness training discusses the importance of hazard recognition in the workplace. It covers types of hazards, best practices for hazard identification, and steps to take to protect yourself and others from hazards.


Hearing Conservation

This training discusses the importance of hearing conservation. It includes the effects of hazardous noise, controls employers may have in place, including a hearing conservation program, and different types of hearing protection.

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