Recycling Training Courses
Walking the Grounds
Drivers are confronted with a wide array of safety tasks each day. KPA's Walking the Grounds safety training discusses simple techniques drivers can utilize to maintain their safety when walk the yard.
ViewWelding and Burning
Improper burning and welding can be dangerous. KPA's Welding and Burning training helps employees manage the hazards such as high voltages, toxic gases, flying sparks, and extreme temperatures that come with these tasks.
ViewWorking Around Mobile Equipment
Drivers and pedestrians both play a role in mobile equipment safety. KPA's Working Around Mobile Equipment safety training provides details on how drivers and pedestrians can operate safely in and around mobile equipment.
ViewWorking in Seasons
This training illustrates real-world scenarios and the hazards that come with facing temperature extremes while working outside in different seasons.
ViewWorkplace Violence and Active Shooter Response
This general awareness training covers types of workplace violence, warning signs to look out for, best practices for response measures, and how to respond in an active shooter situation.