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Basic Vehicle Cleanout

To best protect the environment, fluids need to be drained from vehicles before being recycled. KPA's Basic Vehicle Cleanout provides a step by step process for safely removing fluids such as antifreeze, oil, gas, and other common automotive fluids.


Behavior and Attitude = Safety

Behavior and attitudes are a key factor behind the majority of industry incidents. KPA's Behavior and Attitude = Safety training provides real-world examples of the consequences of taking short cuts, horse playing, or not paying attention on the job.


Blind Spot Safety

Operating large, mobile equipment means learning to drive with blind spots. KPA's online Blind Spot Safety course discusses the blind spots for a range of mobile equipment, specific to steel industry operations. It also covers how drivers and pedestrians can make safe choices around mobile equipment.

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Bloodborne Pathogens and First-Aid

Blood is not something most of us see every day, but it's essential to know what do when you do encounter it. This training defines bloodborne pathogens, provides basic first aid guidelines, and highlights universal precautions employees should use any time they encounter blood in the workplace.


Bloodborne Pathogens and First-Aid

Blood is not something most of us see every day, but it's essential to know what do when you do encounter it. This training defines bloodborne pathogens, provides basic first aid guidelines, and highlights universal precautions employees should use any time they encounter blood in the workplace.


Cadmium Awareness

It is important to take the proper precautions with interacting with Cadmium. KPA's Cadmium Awareness training illustrates the effects of cadmium exposure, covers legal exposure limits, and shares tips for employee protection.


Cold Stress

It is critical to understand what cold stress is, the symptoms of common cold stress-related injuries and illnesses, appropriate treatment, and how to protect yourself from cold stress. KPA's Cold Stress training can help prepare your workforce for the cold winter months.


Comprehensive GHS

Can your employees tell you what GHS stands for? KPA's Comprehensive GHS training reviews the Globally Harmonized System of classification and labeling of chemicals.


Compressed Gas Safety and Safe Welding and Torching

Compressed gases are used in a variety of applications from welding to torch cutting. KPA's Compressed Gas Safety and Safe Welding and Torching training walks through safe uses, storage, and handling practices for compressed gases.

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Confined Space Entry

This training gives an overview of confined spaces and what makes them either non-permit or permit required. It also includes information about confined space permits and the duties and responsibilities for confined space entry.

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Confined Space Entry

This training gives an overview of confined spaces and what makes them either non-permit or permit required. It also includes information about confined space permits and the duties and responsibilities for confined space entry.


Continuous Scrap Inspections and Identifying Unwanted Materials

Scrap inspection plays a key role in keeping unwanted materials from causing injuries, or worse, in the recycling industry. KPA's Continuous Scrap Inspection and Identifying Unwanted Materials online safety training illustrates the importance of scrap inspection processes, identifying unwanted materials, and best practices for unexploded ordnance.

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