Steel Distribution Training Courses
Aerial Lifts and Elevated Platform Safety
This training provides knowledge on aerial lifts and platform safety, including types of aerial lifts, common hazards and preventative controls, inspections, and operation best practices.
ViewCanada - First Aid Basics
This training has been developed to give certified first aid attendants an opportunity to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge.
ViewCanada - Hand Safety and Injury Prevention
Utility knives or “box cutters” are widely used in retail, manufacturing, construction and other industries. They are used for everything from cutting string and opening cartons to cutting drywall. Over 60% of workplace hand injuries are lacerations (deep cuts) many from the improper use of utility knives.
ViewCanada - Health and Safety Awareness
This course outlines key health and safety rights and responsibilities of different groups in the workplace: employers, supervisors and workers.
ViewCanada - Ladder Safety
Learn about the different types of ladders and how to use them safely in the workplace.
ViewCanada - Safety in Bloodborne Pathogens for Canadian Employees
Learn how to protect yourself and others from workplace exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
ViewCanada - Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Overview
Chemicals and biological substances are regularly shipped by road, rail, water and air. Many products pose some danger while being transported. In order to minimize the risks associated with transporting dangerous goods, and to keep the public and the environment safe, everyone involved in the shipping of dangerous goods must learn about and follow the requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
ViewDriver Safety Series: Driver Preparedness
This training educates employees on vehicle inspections, safety systems, and emergency preparedness. This material aims to prepare non-commercial drivers to be prepared for any incident that may occur on the road and to reduce their overall risk.
ViewDriver Safety Series: Driver Preparedness
This training educates employees on vehicle inspections, safety systems, and emergency preparedness. This material aims to prepare non-commercial drivers to be prepared for any incident that may occur on the road and to reduce their overall risk.
ViewEmergency Response
This general awareness training gives an overview of the major types of emergencies and basic guidelines for preparing for and responding to each.
ViewEmergency Response
This general awareness training gives an overview of the major types of emergencies and basic guidelines for preparing for and responding to each.
Canada - Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, or AODA, aims to identify, remove, and prevent barriers for people with disabilities. The AODA became law on June 13, 2005 and applies to all levels of government, nonprofits, and private sector businesses in Ontario that have one or more employees (full-time, part-time, seasonal, or contract).