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A/C 609 Training

This training provides an overview of A/C 609 MVAC systems. It covers information on common refrigerants, use conditions for snap substitutes, key Clean Air Act sections, leak detection, and procedures for recovering, recycling, and recharging refrigerants.

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Accident Recordkeeping with OSHA 300 Logs

This training addresses OSHA's regulatory requirements on accident reporting. Designed for managers, it covers the criteria for recording, the forms that need to be completed, and the new reporting regulations.


Basic First Aid Awareness

This awareness level training introduces basic first-aid techniques and steps designed to keep people safe until emergency medical services arrives and takes over.


Bloodborne Pathogens

This training covers protection against common types of bloodborne pathogens, situations where pathogens pose a hazard, and protection. Other course topics include personal protective equipment (PPE), the Hepatitis B vaccine, and incident response.

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Bloodborne Pathogens - General Awareness

This employee training gives a general overview of the common types of bloodborne pathogens and how you can protect yourself in the workplace. Topics include routes of entry, universal precautions, and best practices for minimizing exposure.

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California Hazardous Waste Management

This training covers Federal EPA and California regulations for hazardous waste management. It includes determination, storage, labeling, inspection, accumulation limits, pickup, and generator status.


Conflict Resolution

This training discusses what to do when conflict happens in the workplace. It includes conflict resolution techniques and advice for handling different conflict scenarios.

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DOT Hazardous Materials Training

This training covers what you should know when working directly or indirectly with hazardous materials that get transported. It includes training requirements, hazardous materials table, shipping papers, packaging, marking, labeling, and safety, emergencies, and security for drivers.


Drugs in the Workplace (FMCSA-Compliant)

This training covers FMCSA regulations on the use of drugs in the workplace for CMV managers and drivers. It includes drug classes, signs and symptoms of use, reasonable suspicion determinations, and testing. FMCSA Compliant (49 CFR §382.603)


Electric Vehicles - General Awareness

This general awareness training discusses critical information required to work safely on electric vehicles. It includes types, hazards, the maintenance process, and emergency response measures.

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Emergency Response

This general awareness training gives an overview of the major types of emergencies and basic guidelines for preparing for and responding to each.


Federal Hazardous Waste Management - RCRA

This general awareness training covers federal hazardous waste management including RCRA. It includes what hazardous waste is and how to identify it, generator statuses, management of stored materials, proper disposal and transportation, and spill response.

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