KPA Flex Training Courses

Lead and Cadmium
Lead and Cadmium are hazardous materials that have many practical uses in the metals industries. KPA's Lead and Cadmium safety training provides strategies for working safely around these materials.
Lead Awareness
Overexposure to lead is a serious issue. KPA's Lead Awareness safety training contains information on how lead can affect the body, how to prevent overexposure, and more.
Learning from Near Misses
A near miss is an unwanted event that takes place where an injury, damage, or spill did not occur. KPA's Learning from Near Misses safety training emphasizes the importance of reporting near misses and how reporting near misses can help prevent future incidents.
Line Breaking
Pipes carry a variety of materials throughout our facilities. KPA's Line Breaking safety training discusses the dangers present when working on these pipes and best practice procedures for avoiding injuries.
Lockout Tagout Tryout
This general awareness training covers procedures for proper lockout, tagout, tryout, including personal and group lockout.
Lockout Tagout Tryout
This general awareness training covers procedures for proper lockout, tagout, tryout, including personal and group lockout.
Machine Guarding
Proper machine guarding helps keep operators safe when properly installed and used. KPA's Machine Guarding safety training covers the basics of machine guarding such as the different types and their uses.
Maintenance Safety
Maintenance helps keep everyone safe, and machines and equipment running smoothly. KPA's Maintenance Safety training lists the tasks that should be performed before starting a maintenance task.
Material Handling
This training will go over different ways to handle material in the plastics industry. It includes handling material mechanically and manually, forklifts, upright forklifts, and cranes.
Mobile Equipment and Pedestrian Safety
This training discusses best practices for working with and around mobile equipment. It includes pre-use inspections and operator and pedestrian safety.
Mobile Equipment and Pedestrian Safety
This training discusses best practices for working with and around mobile equipment. It includes pre-use inspections and operator and pedestrian safety.
ViewMounting and Dismounting Mobile Eguipment
Properly mounting and dismounting mobile equipment takes care and attention. KPA's Mounting and Dismounting Mobile Equipment safety training covers processes operators should follow such as maintaining three points of contact with the equipment.