KPA Flex Training Courses

Personal Protective Equipment
This general awareness training covers different types of PPE, including how to inspect, use, and maintain the various types.
Personal Protective Equipment and Hearing Conservation
Most parts of your body can be protected by PPE. KPA's online Personal Protective Equipment and Hearing Conservation training illustrates why proper selection, care, and maintenance of PPE and hearing protection is important.
Preventing Lacerations
Many parts of plastic operations pose laceration risk. KPA's online Preventing Lacerations safety training covers specific strategies for protecting your employees from common laceration hazards.
Personal Protective Equipment
This general awareness training covers different types of PPE, including how to inspect, use, and maintain the various types.
Preventing Strains and Sprains in the Workplace
KPA shares ergonomic practices for safe working, bending, and lifting to prevent strains and sprains in the Preventing Sprains and Strains in the Workplace safety training.
Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
Workplace violence and harassment must be viewed as a serious workplace hazard. KPA's Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace training highlights techniques for making your workplace a safe, productive, and enjoyable place to work for everyone.
Proximity Awareness
Being aware of the proximity technology in your facility is the first step in preventing many incidents. KPA's Proximity Awareness safety training highlights common proximity technologies, and shares steps we should use to safeguard ourselves and avoid injury.
Pull Your Head Out of Your Apps
This short training serves as a great reminder of the dangers of distracted driving.
Radiation Awareness
Radioactive tools and materials are becoming more common in metal and recycling operations. KPA's Radiation Awareness safety training covers basic indicators (signs and lights) and procedures that help keep employees safe around these sources and materials.
Radius Bending Safety
Operating a radius bender safely starts with proper planning and set-up. KPA's Radius Bending Safety training discusses safe operating procedures and best practices for safely using a radius bender.
Railroad Safety
In-plant railroads transport raw materials and finished goods in and out. This training highlights the dangers of working around an in-plant railroad and how to keep yourself safe by always following the safety rules.