KPA Flex Training Courses
Clean Water Act: Section 404 Permits
This training goes over the process of obtaining a Section 404 permit for dredging and filling operations. It includes an overview of the different types of permits, best practices, and the intentions behind of Section 404 permits.
Cold Stress
This short course covers what cold stress is, the symptoms of cold stress-related injuries and illnesses, appropriate treatment, and how to protect yourself from it.
Commercial Livery Driving: Passenger Safety
This training describes vehicle preparation for commercial livery drivers. This course covers proper procedures, communicating with passengers, and dealing with difficult passengers.
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Commercial Livery Driving: Workplace Violence
This training provides commercial livery drivers with information on preventing workplace violence on the job. It discusses both preventive measures and what to do in the event of an incident.
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Compressed Gas Safety
This training discusses the safe handling of compressed gas cylinders. It includes common hazards of working with compressed gas, training and preparedness, safe practices for use and storage, safety devices, and inspection and monitoring guidelines.
ViewConfined Space Entry Awareness
This training covers basic confined space entry procedures and includes information on roles and responsibilities, common hazardous conditions and controls, atmospheric testing, and rescue procedures.
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Conflict Resolution
This training discusses what to do when conflict happens in the workplace. It includes conflict resolution techniques and advice for handling different conflict scenarios.
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Construction Safety: Scaffolding
This training gives an overview of scaffolding safety while on a construction site. It includes scaffolding types, safety controls, and best practices to help keep employees safe at work.
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Construction Safety: Lockout/Tagout
This general training is a starting point for understanding lockout/tagout. It includes lockout/tagout responsibilities, the lockout/tagout process for both affected and authorized employees, and how to safely perform lockout/tagout.
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Construction Safety: New Hire Orientation
This training gives a general overview for new employees working in the construction industry. It includes safety concepts, personal protective equipment, fall protection, electrical safety, lockout/tagout, scaffolds, ladders, aerial lifts, crane safety, mobile equipment, trenches, and excavations.
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Construction Safety: Noise and Hearing Protection
This training gives an overview of noise and different types of hearing protection to use on a construction site. It also includes the effects of hazardous noise, employer controls, and how to properly wear hearing protection.