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Table Bending Safety

Bending machines are specialized for the rebar industry. KPA's Table Bending Safety online compliance training teaches basic safety techniques for operating bending machines.


Temporary and New Employee Safety

During times of increased demand, it's not uncommon for to hire seasonal or temporary employees. KPA's Temporary and New Employee Safety training illustrates the importance of sharing safety information with new or inexperienced employees.

wooden figure standing in front of crowd of wooden figures

Tire Dismantling

Tires are a valuable material that is often recycled. KPA's Tire Dismantling safety training covers two processes, step-by-step, for dismantling a tire.

students meeting

Trackmobile Operator Safety

Drifting railcars can be deadly. KPA's Trackmobile Operator Safety training explains the importance of working safely near tracks, between railcars, and when coupling and uncoupling cars.

Workplace Violence

Trenching and Shoring

OSHA has developed strict regulations for trenching and shoring operations. KPA's Trenching and Shoring compliance training focuses on methods and devices that can be utilized to limit or eliminate hazards while performing these operations.


Unwanted Materials in the Yard

Scrap is essential to the recycling industry, but not all scrap is safe. KPA's Unwanted Materials in the Yard safety training discusses the importance of scrap inspections and best practices for dealing with hazardous materials and unexploded ordinance.


Violence in the Workplace

Workplace violence and harassment must be viewed as a serious workplace hazard. KPA's Violence in the Workplace training highlights techniques for making your workplace a safe, productive, and enjoyable place to work.

EHS Incident Reports software

Walking and Working Surfaces

KPA's Walking and Working Surfaces training covers proper cleaning procedures to prevent slips, trips, and falls, and why good housekeeping is everyone's responsibility.


Walking the Grounds

Drivers are confronted with a wide array of safety tasks each day. KPA's Walking the Grounds safety training discusses simple techniques drivers can utilize to maintain their safety when walk the yard.


Welding and Burning

Improper burning and welding can be dangerous. KPA's Welding and Burning training helps employees manage the hazards such as high voltages, toxic gases, flying sparks, and extreme temperatures that come with these tasks.

New York Harassment Prevention Program Checklist booklet cover


This general awareness training covers the basics of WHMIS. It includes the elements of safety data sheets, container labeling, and best practices to follow.

Red Flag Rule Training

Working Around Mobile Equipment

Drivers and pedestrians both play a role in mobile equipment safety. KPA's Working Around Mobile Equipment safety training provides details on how drivers and pedestrians can operate safely in and around mobile equipment.

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