KPA Flex Training Courses
Aerial Lift Operations Awareness
This course provides awareness training for workers operating aerial lifts. This course will cover safe operations of aerial lifts, hazards to look out for, and best practices to follow to stay safe while working on an aerial lift.
Air Permitting
Permitting Under the Clean Air Act (CAA) establishes a number of permitting programs designed to carry out the goals of the Act. Some of these programs are directly implemented by EPA through its Regional Offices but most are carried out by states, local agencies and approved tribes. This lesson covers awareness of these permitting practices.
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Anti-Harassment & Discrimination for Employees
A healthy and safe work environment, is one that creates a sense of common purpose, and is free from aggressive pressure, intimidation, and discrimination. Recognizing, preventing, and reporting inappropriate conduct contributes to a healthy and safe working environment. This lesson has been designed for general training purposes only and is not meant for legal advice.
Anti-Harassment & Discrimination for Supervisors
Tolerance of sexual harassment has a detrimental impact on company culture, creates a hostile work environment, reduces productivity, and increases legal liability. Recognizing and preventing inappropriate conduct, contributes to a healthy and safe working environment. This lesson has been designed for general training purposes only and is not meant for legal advice.
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Asbestos General Awareness
This general awareness training covers asbestos. It includes what it is, hazards associated with it, where it’s commonly found, and how to identify it.
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Back Safety
Back injuries are the second most common cause of days away from work, next to the common cold. This lesson will review the anatomy of the back, how back injuries occur, and strategies to prevent injury. Safe lifting techniques, maintaining good posture, use of equipment, and proper planning are all strategies that will be discussed.
Basic First Aid Awareness
A First Aid program in the workplace is part of a comprehensive safety and health management system. This First Aid awareness lesson will review strategies to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and to assist with recovery.
Behavioral Based Safety
A Behavior Based Safety Program creates a set of values that influence and motivate employees to make safer decisions. Observing behaviors can create a safer workplace and prevent incidents. This lesson reviews the elements of a Behavior Based Safety Program.
Benzene Awareness
Benzene is very hazardous material, that exposes itself in several working environments. This lesson explores the ​definitions, health hazards, management strategies, and protection practices to keep workers safe when working around benzene.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Blood is a life giving fluid, that delivers oxygen to the cells of the body, however it also has the ability to carry bacteria, and viruses. Known as bloodborne pathogens, these bacteria and viruses, present in blood and body fluids, can cause and transfer diseases. This lesson will cover hazards, controls, and safe workplace standards…
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Chainsaw Safety
Chainsaw safety is crucial for when you’re using it both for professional and personal use. Because of this, following safety guidelines is important to protect yourself and others from a potential incident.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Keeping our environments clean and removing unwanted germs is important to prevent the transmission of diseases. The removal of germs, such as the virus COVID-19, requires thorough cleaning and adequate disinfection measures.