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Bloodborne Pathogens

Blood is a life giving fluid, that delivers oxygen to the cells of the body, however it also has the ability to carry bacteria, and viruses. Known as bloodborne pathogens, these bacteria and viruses, present in blood and body fluids, can cause and transfer diseases. This lesson will cover hazards, controls, and safe workplace standards for managing bloodborne pathogens in the workplace.


Chainsaw Safety

Chainsaw safety is crucial for when you're using it both for professional and personal use. Because of this, following safety guidelines is important to protect yourself and others from a potential incident.


Cleaning and Disinfecting

Keeping our environments clean and removing unwanted germs is important to prevent the transmission of diseases. The removal of germs, such as the virus COVID-19, requires thorough cleaning and adequate disinfection measures.


CMV Driver Requirements

Operating a commercial motor vehicle calls for much more than simply driving safely. Drivers and employers both have responsibilities that they must uphold during commercial motor vehicle operations.


Cold Weather Management

Workers required to work in cold environments are at risk for cold stress and could experience cold induced injuries or illness. This lesson covers safe work practices in cold conditions, including how the body reacts to cold, common injuries and illnesses, safe and proper response, and preventive actions to protect workers from cold weather environments.


Complacency on the Job

Complacency on the job can cause accidents. The objectives of this lesson include an understanding of complacency, factors inducing complacency, and tips to avoid complacency.

Learn OSHA's Top Citations in the Construction Industry

Compressed Gas Safety

In some workplaces, different types of compressed gases are used to complete various tasks. Compressed gas is both pressurized and flammable, which creates a significant risk. This lesson reviews the best practices to protect workers from the hazards associated with compressed gas.

Abusive Workplace Conduct Prevention

Confined Space - Entrant

This general training discusses confined space entrant responsibilities. It includes confined space hazards, proper use of equipment, communication, and exit and rescue processes.


Concrete Safety

This general awareness training covers concrete safety and best practices to follow. It includes hazards, PPE, sanitation, and response measures.


Confined Space - Permit Required

Many workplaces contain areas not necessarily designed for people, but they are large enough for workers to enter and perform certain jobs. This lesson reviews the understanding confined spaces, safe work practices, and when a permit is required.


Confined Space - Rescue

This training covers general information for confined space rescue. It includes employer responsibilities, rescue techniques, response time, rescue equipment and PPE, and steps after a rescue.


Conflict Resolution

This training covers what causes conflict in the workplace. It includes how to identify the source of conflict and strategies for resolution.

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