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DOT Hazardous Material Placarding

This training covers general requirements regarding placards. It includes exceptions to the placarding rule, special requirements for certain materials, visibility and display requirements, and compliant specifications.


DOT Hazardous Material Reporting an Incident

This training gives a general overview on incident reporting criteria when working with hazardous materials. It includes when to submit an incident report, recordkeeping requirements, exceptions.


DOT Hazardous Material Security Awareness

This general awareness training covers when hazardous material security awareness training is required. It includes types of threats, precautions to take, and what makes up a hazardous materials security awareness plan.


DOT Hazardous Material Shipping Papers

This general training covers the process of preparing a shipping paper. It includes the types of shipping papers, components, the hazardous material designation, and the retention of the shipping paper.


DOT Hazardous Material Transportation Driver Training

This awareness training covers general requirements for drivers when transporting hazardous materials. It includes how to recognize various types of hazardous materials and what drivers are responsible for when transporting them.


DOT Hours of Service

The hours of service (HOS) rules are established to manage the number of hours commercial drivers may drive and work. These regulations will help minimize drowsiness and prevent driver fatigue, among other safety benefits. This training does not replace the need for a motor carrier to meet all regulations and have a written implemented driver program.


DOT How to Perform a Road Test

49 CFR section 391.31 requires a road test for anyone operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as defined in Section 390.5. This definition includes a variety of vehicle types, such as larger pickup trucks and trailers, straight trucks, tank vehicles, and tractor-trailers.

Emergency Respiratory Protection specialist stands inside the building where the accident occurred.

Driver Safety

The average vehicle operator drives more than 17,600 minutes every year. Driving creates opportunity for enjoyment, but it also poses a significant threat if not performed safely or taken for granted. This lesson identifies driving hazards and distractions, how to manage driving in adverse weather conditions, maintaining safe driving strategies when you encounter unexpected road conditions, and how to proactively practice safe driving techniques.

graph about company benefits

Driver Wellness

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, entry-level driver training must include instructions that address driver wellness. This includes basic health maintenance, including diet, exercise, and the importance of avoiding excessive use of alcohol.

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Dropped Objects

Fall protection violations once again topped OSHA's list of violations for 2019 with 7,014. This includes tools and people, because fall protection refers to anything that can fall, whether it's a worker, tools, or equipment.



Commercial motor vehicle drivers and their employers are required to routinely inspect their vehicles and perform maintenance to address any potential problems. When proper safety procedures are put in place, accidents and serious injuries can be avoided. When safe practices are ignored, innocent people can be put at risk.

abusive workplace conduct prevention

Electrical Awareness Safety

Electricity provides many benefits, but it also has potential to be very dangerous. The objective of this lesson is to inform unqualified workers about the basic points of electrical safety.

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