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Hazard Recognition

This training will help you to identify and recognize common workplace hazards including examples found across all industries and explain how to properly report an incident when one does occur. It will also discuss how future incidents can be reduced or eliminated through the completion of periodic inspections, as well as job safety analysis and root cause analysis reports.

KPA safety consultant discusses safety and compliance with Rough Notes

HAZWOPER Accidental Release Measures and Spill Cleanup Procedures

This course will describe hazard communication basics, hazardous materials safety training and spill containment.


HAZWOPER Confined Space Entry

This course will help you identify, prepare for, and respond to potentially hazardous work in or near confined spaces.


HAZWOPER Dealing with the Media in Emergency Situations

This course will detail the public-facing side of emergencies. Dive deeper into media outreach, building an emergency preparedness plan, and the strategies you need in place before deploying an emergency response.


HAZWOPER Electrical Safety in HAZMAT Environments

Electricity is everywhere and an important part of daily life and the workplace. However, electricity can also be dangerous, especially when used in an environment with hazardous materials (HAZMAT). In this training, you will learn the most common hazards related to electricity, common injuries that can happen, and how to prevent them.

bottles of gas

HAZWOPER Emergency Response Plan

This training is designed to help facilities comply with OSHA's HAZWOPER regulation (29 CFR 1910.120). Discusses how emergency planning can reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous materials in crisis situations.


HAZWOPER Exposure Monitoring and Medical Surveillance

This course covers exposure monitoring, the use of monitoring equipment, and the integration of medical surveillance programs. It describes how to identify hazardous substances, conduct exposure assessments, and select appropriate monitoring procedures. It also discusses biological monitoring and how to interpret and act on monitoring data.


HAZWOPER Fire Prevention

This training on HAZWOPER fire safety training, prevention, and response is designed to equip you and your colleagues with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate these challenges with confidence.


HAZWOPER Handling Hazardous Materials

This training helps workers understand the hazards that can be associated with HAZMATs and the cleanup procedures that can mitigate them.

worker with tablet


This course will discuss the responsibilities of the shipper and carrier in the transport of hazardous materials, aspects of container labeling, specifically placarding and ID numbers including what they are, what they tell us, and when and where they are required. You'll also learn how to properly store common hazardous materials.


HAZWOPER Heat Stress

In this training designed for a HAZWOPER setting, you will identify common risk factors of environmental heat and bodily overheating, learn the main dangers of heat exposure, and explore safe work practices.


HAZWOPER Medical Surveillance Programs

This training is designed to help facilities comply with OSHA's HAZWOPER regulation (29 CFR 1910.120). Discusses types of medical surveillance and how it is used to evaluate the health of anyone who regularly works around hazardous materials.

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