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COVID-19 Supervisor Guide

This course covers tips to help with employees' stress and anxiety, summarizes OSHA recommendations for a safe workplace, and provides an overview of employee leave options related to COVID-19.


Customer Service Essentials

This general training will cover best practices for customer service. It includes how to prepare ahead of time and tips for effective communication.


Environmental & Safety Risk Assessment

This tool for managers outlines critical environmental and safety guidelines. It helps to ensure departments are running departments safely and efficiently, employees are safe, and the facility stays compliant with federal regulations.

Coil Wire Rods Trailer Fatality safety training recreation

Ergonomics Awareness

This training educates employees on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, elements of an ergonomic safety program, ergonomic stressors commonly found in the workplace, and actions to take that will minimize injuries.

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Office Workstation Ergonomics

This training outlines proper workplace ergonomics and how equipment, posture, and personal and environmental factors can affect ergonomic health.


Slips, Trips, and Falls (Automotive)

This training discusses how to prevent potential slip, trip, and fall hazards in an automotive workplace, including effective strategies and best practices.


Supervisor and Manager Safety: Management and Coaching Skills for Leaders

This training discusses strategies for managing and coaching employees effectively. Topics include time management, communication, and problem-solving.


Supervisor and Manager Safety: Managing Employee Wellness and Well-being

This training for supervisors and managers covers how to manage employee wellness and well-being. It includes best practices for addressing workplace problems, supporting employee goals, and encouraging wellness in the workplace.


Supervisor and Manager Safety: Successful Transition to a Leadership Role

This training introduces learners to challenges they can expect as they transition to a new leadership role as well as skills that will help them to make a strong start. Topics include managing expectations, communication, and relationship-building.


What is an Ex-Mod?

This video defines an ex-mod and illustrates how it impacts a company's bottom line.

AC 609 Working with MVAC Systems Training

Wildfire Smoke Safety

This training covers wildfire smoke safety precautions and procedures. Specifically, the training goes over health effects, symptoms, sensitive groups, protective measures, medical treatment, employee rights, and employee/employer responsibilities.

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Abusive Workplace Conduct Prevention

This training defines abusive conduct and explores strategies for dealing with it. It includes the negative effects, how to recognize it, how to report it, and ways everyone can improve the workplace environment.

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