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To Improve Safety and Reduce Losses, Your Insureds Need a Point Guard


To Improve Safety and Reduce Losses, Your Insureds Need a Point Guard

Running a business without a workplace incident response system is like trying to play basketball without a point guard.

Allow me to explain. Here at KPA, we work with numerous organizations on both sides of the insurance relationship—insurers and insureds alike. One of our customers is a large broker on the West Coast with an office dedicated to low-income housing. Through that office, the broker serves a property management company with about 150 buildings across 10 states in the Midwest.

As you might imagine, that’s a lot of people and locations to keep track of—and a lot of potential for risks.

To better understand and control what was going on at their buildings, the property management company engaged with the broker to identify, track, and trend incidents. They wanted to monitor things at the individual location level as well as collectively across their entire inventory.

In tracking incidents, it soon became clear that the company’s biggest problem was slips, trips, and falls. It was their #1 loss leader by a wide margin. And dealing with it was an absolute nightmare from a professional liability perspective and workers’ compensation perspective. Neither the employer nor the broker had internal loss control tools.

In other words, they knew they were losing, but lacked any coordinated effort to turn the game around. No one was calling the shots. No one was lining up managers or controlling the flow of workforce safety. They were trying to run offense against slips, trips, and falls without a point guard.

That’s when KPA stepped in. The broker engaged with our loss control staff, and we did a representative sampling of the property management company’s buildings. We visited 15—about 10%—of their 150 properties, with an emphasis on root causing. We wanted to find out why the heck slips, trips, and falls were occurring with such frequency.

Without getting into great detail about it, we identified a wide-ranging issue that the company had: they knew about a safety hazard but hadn’t put a corrective action in place. Using the Risk Management Center, we worked with the broker to rectify the hazard and establish a safety culture at the company.

One of the core features of the RMC is Incident Track, which automates key processes such as tracking employee injuries, conducting incident analyses, reporting claims, and generating OSHA 300 Logs. It feeds all different areas of the platform, bringing together various people and organizational components to reduce losses and improve safety—kind of like the way Magic Johnson or Steph Curry would lead their team’s offense.

Long story short, the RMC was the point guard the property management company needed, and the broker got the credit for solving their client’s problems.

You can provide the same solution to your clients, and increase your book of business as a result.

All you need is a point guard—the right one for the business and context. You can do it yourself, or you can bring a proven scorer off the bench. Tracking and analyzing safety issues is possible without KPA’s expertise and technology, but our platform certainly makes it easier.

See what we can do for you and your clients. Learn more about the Risk Management Center.

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