Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope you look upon 2024 with the same excitement and opportunity for professional and personal growth as I do. 2024 will mark my fifth year as CEO at KPA. In that time, KPA has seen many significant changes and accomplished a great deal. The company has been helping clients since 1986. While the world has changed a lot in the past four decades, the past five years have taught me that companies still grapple with fundamental business challenges: keeping workers safe, ensuring compliance with the law and work rules, and reducing operating costs while streamlining operations.
KPA views the above challenges as great opportunities, and is why we are singularly focused on how to better help businesses protect their people with an effective and cost efficient approach.

KPA CEO, Chris Fanning
The Core of KPA:
Keeping Businesses and People Safe
At the very core of what we do and what workplace compliance stands for, lies the safety and well-being of individuals. We share your deep concern and need for ensuring the safety, growth, and success of workers and businesses alike. Our commitment is unwavering, and we strive to make a real difference by empowering employers to take proactive measures regarding workplace compliance and risk reduction.
KPA’s Transformation Throughout 2023
As I reflect on 2023, I can’t help but feel pride in our work to develop innovative solutions that prioritize the health and safety of the many millions of employees we help keep safe.
KPA helped 15,000+ clients comply with regulations, reduce costs, and increase productivity.
We helped train and keep 8 million client employees safe. An achievement we’re especially proud of and strive to build upon in 2024.
KPA Flex is the EHS industry’s top-rated software solution, and we’ve further broadened our support for hazardous industries with Flex’s continued development with more configurable features like the Compliance Calendar and Sustainability Reporting.
We’re providing even more comprehensive support for our automotive dealer clients, helping them stay compliant with ever-changing regulations (like EV related requirements, Privacy and Safeguards regulations, and the upcoming CARS Act to name a few).
Our investments in research and development are bringing innovative training and technology approaches to the EHS market. These include exploring advancements in virtual reality and microlearning for employee training.
We’ve partnered with industry-leading organizations that share our mission of providing world-class safety and workforce compliance solutions to the market.
We’ve built a high-performing team of dependable experts. From PhDs to CSPs and Rising Stars in Safety, many of KPA’s 400 employees are certified in over 30 specialties. Our team conducted over 30,000 on-site visits last year. Customers rely on our team to help them avoid costly problems and safety issues before they occur.
KPA has been recognized as a top place to work and is recognized for having advancement opportunities for all.
The Future of KPA:
2024 and Beyond
We still have a lot of hard work ahead of us to ensure we uphold our mission to keeping people safe. That’s why we will continue to invest in key strategic areas – our people, our products, and our customers – to help us achieve our vision.
A favorite part of my job is seeing the impact our solutions have on the clients we serve. If we can help one more person go home safely at the end of the day, we’re doing our job well.
As always, thank you. I am grateful for your unwavering focus on keeping people safe.
Chris Fanning
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