The first step on your advertising sales and finance complete compliance journey is to assemble your compliance team. This is your dedicated team responsible for overseeing and managing compliance efforts.
Complete compliance can’t be the effort of just one person. Advertising, sales, and finance compliance touches several departments, which is why you need to pull folks from across your dealership.
Who’s who on your advertising, sales, and finance compliance team.

Dealerships operate in an increasingly complex environment of federal, state, and local oversight. We’ve gathered the 16 most important laws, rules, and regulations for your dealership's sales and F&I department.
How often should your compliance team meet?
Your advertising sales and finance compliance team should meet quarterly at a minimum and monthly in a perfect world. They’ll spend their time together evaluating the dealership’s progress, establishing the proper key performance indicators (or KPIs for short), and tracking progress towards their goals.
Next week let’s look at Risk Assessments.
Stay up to speed on the 10 steps to complete advertising sales and finance compliance. If you haven’t already, subscribe to our blog to get weekly installments of the 10 steps to complete compliance.
KPA helps dealers limit liability from the first contact to deal close.
With our complete compliance system and team of advertising, sales, and finance compliance experts to guide you, minimize your risk, save money, and recapture countless hours of wasted time.
This structured approach ensures that dealerships are not only compliant but also continually improving their compliance practices, leading to safer, more trustworthy operations.
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