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February Safety Observances: Slogging Through for a Safer Workplace

Toby Graham

If February had a designated color, it would probably be gray. The month of “Meh, what if I just stayed in my cozy bed today?” and “Holy cow, I am so done with this weather!” On the flip side, February has quite a few useful safety observances, possibly to balance out Mother Nature’s distaste for sun during this time of year. Let’s review the observances we have to look forward to:

OSHA Reporting Posting Deadline – Feb 1, 2024

Establishments with 250 or more employees in industries covered by the recordkeeping regulation must keep these post their Form 300A in a visible area of the workplace from February 1 through April 30th of the year following the year in which the incidents were recorded.

You’re probably all over this one already. Don’t forget that your next OSHA reporting deadline comes up on March 2nd. Stay up to speed on OSHA reporting requirements in the OSHA Reporting resource hub.

Burn Awareness Week – February 4-10, 2024

Every February the American Burn Association conducts a National Burn Awareness Week, which brings recognition to important steps towards fire safety, specifically for preventing flammable liquid burn injuries. This topic is important for all workplaces, not just those containing flammable materials or machinery. Consider reviewing your workplace fire response plan, or run a fire drill.

Read up on fire extinguisher inspection best practices.

Still a little confused? Check out our step-by-step fire extinguisher inspection instruction video.

Safer Internet Day – February 6, 2024

Safer Internet Day’s main mission is to educate internet users on digital competency. It covers topics from cyberbullying to social networking, specifically focusing on educating young people. It can also be celebrated in the workplace, where cybersecurity is equally as important. At KPA, we like to review common phishing schemes and brush up on data safety to celebrate this observance.

View KPA’s cybersecurity articles

Or, check out KPA’s Privacy and Safeguards Solution

Groundhog Day – February 2

So this one’s not quite a safety observance, but it’s an important observance nonetheless. Every year, on one fateful winter morning, Americans from all around the country tune in to find out whether or not we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Let’s put our faith in Phil the Groundhog and hope for a quick spring!

Valentine’s Day – February 14

And finally, we have one of the more controversial holidays of the year: Valentine’s Day. Whether you love or hate it, Valentine’s day is ultimately about showing love and appreciation for others.

Even if it’s just a few kind words to a coworker, showing your appreciation can make a big impact on your employees.

For those who are feeling extra festive, community outreach can also be a great way to make sure everyone gets a chance to celebrate and also boost morale in the workplace. Making Valentines for nursing home patients or organizing a fundraiser for your favorite charity are awesome ways to get involved and spread joy to those who need it.

Need some inspiration? One of my favorite Valentine’s charities is St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, which offers the opportunity to both donate as well as send e-cards to boost a patients’ spirits.

Groundhog Day – February 2

So this one’s not quite a safety observance, but…wait, didn’t I already do this one?

Whether your plans are to bundle under the covers and never come out or to contribute to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania’s most popular (and possibly only) tourist season, we hope you have a safe February – you got this!

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Toby Graham

Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. She's a HUGE sugar junkie...and usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily.

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