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E-Contracting Dos and Don'ts

This general awareness training covers the basics of e-contracting. It includes how e-contracts work, disclosures, acknowledgment, retainment, and dos and don'ts to consider.


FTC Safeguards for Managers

This training covers the major requirements that a dealership needs to follow to stay compliant with the FTC Safeguards Rule.


General Cyber Security Awareness

This general awareness training covers general best practices for password management, computer security, email security, and mobile devices. It also includes information security for digital privacy, securing customer information, payment card industry, and DMS/CRM privacy.

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Inventory Requirements

This training provides an understanding of the laws and requirements surrounding the inventory at a dealership. It addresses the specific requirements of the Monroney Act, the Used Car Rule, warranties, and Vehicle History Disclosures.

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IRS 8300 for Managers

This training covers what IRS 8300 is and applicable law requirements, how to fill out the form, and reporting deadlines.

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IRS 8300

This training covers the cash transaction reporting requirements and how to comply, what the IRS Form 8300 is and its importance, and examples of cash transactions.

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Motorcycle Hang Tag Requirements for California Dealers

This short course covered the California regulation for motorcycle hang tags. Specific topics included an overview of the regulation, tag formatting, proper display, and common pitfalls.

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This training discusses the regulatory requirements for auto dealerships surrounding OFAC. Topics include the OFAC process, roles and responsibilities, and penalties.


PCI Compliance

This training covers the technical and operational standards that are to be followed to protect credit card data provided by customers. It includes digital security standards and requirements, annual self-inspection questionnaires, and storing information.



This training covers what phishing is and how to prevent a phishing attack. It includes signs to look out for, examples of phishing, and prevention methods.

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Privacy and Safeguards (GLBA)

This training covers safeguard information regarding the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). It includes the updated safeguards rule, different aspects of the GLBA and FTC (Federal Trade Commission), physical safeguards, privacy information, and security awareness training.


Privacy for the Shop

This training for employees discusses methods used to protect the confidentiality of customer information. We explain the dangers of identity theft and how complying with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the FTC Safeguards Rule can combat these threats.

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