Spanish Training Courses
Avoiding Lacerations
Countless workers suffer workplace injuries that could be prevented; lacerations are key amount that count. KPA's online Avoiding Lacerations safety training covers identifying laceration hazards, utilizing appropriate PPE, and being aware of your body positioning to avoid injuries.
Avoiding Sprains and Strains
KPA shares ergonomic practices for safe working, bending, and lifting to prevent strains and sprains in the industry-specific online Preventing Strains and Sprains safety training.
ViewAvoiding Shortcuts and Unsafe Work Practices
This training outlines the impact shortcuts and unsafe practices have, reasons why they may occur, and best practices to prevent them while at work.
ViewAvoiding Shortcuts and Unsafe Work Practices
This training outlines the impact shortcuts and unsafe practices have, reasons why they may occur, and best practices to prevent them while at work.
ViewAvoiding Unsafe Practices
Some employees follow unsafe practices and place themselves and others at risk. KPA's Avoiding Unsafe Practices training discusses the importance of following proper procedures and making safe choices in the workplace.
Back Safety / Ergonomics / Safe Lifting
This training will cover several areas to help eliminate stress on the body while at work. Topics include ergonomic awareness, proper posture, stretching, safe lifting, and back safety.
ViewBaler and Shear Safety
Balers and shears are part of the heavy machinery used to process or upgrade materials. KPA's Baler and Shear Safety training teaches employees best practices for working safely around a variety of different balers and shears.
ViewBasic Vehicle Cleanout
To best protect the environment, fluids need to be drained from vehicles before being recycled. KPA's Basic Vehicle Cleanout provides a step by step process for safely removing fluids such as antifreeze, oil, gas, and other common automotive fluids.
ViewBender Inspections
Bending machines are specialized for the rebar industry. KPA's Bender Inspections online compliance training outlines before use inspection processes such as inspecting guarding and performing a test run.
ViewBlind Spot Safety
Operating large, mobile equipment means learning to drive with blind spots. KPA's online Blind Spot Safety course discusses the blind spots for a range of mobile equipment, specific to steel industry operations. It also covers how drivers and pedestrians can make safe choices around mobile equipment.
Bloodborne Pathogens and First-Aid
Blood is not something most of us see every day, but it's essential to know what do when you do encounter it. This training defines bloodborne pathogens, provides basic first aid guidelines, and highlights universal precautions employees should use any time they encounter blood in the workplace.
ViewBloodborne Pathogens and First-Aid
Blood is not something most of us see every day, but it's essential to know what do when you do encounter it. This training defines bloodborne pathogens, provides basic first aid guidelines, and highlights universal precautions employees should use any time they encounter blood in the workplace.