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Dealing With Hazardous Spills

This training on Dealing with Hazardous Spills helps workers understand the hazards that can be associated with HAZMATs and the cleanup procedures that can mitigate them.


Distracted Driving

In this training you will learn about the hazards associated with distracted driving, sources of driver distraction - including visual, auditory, physical, and mental distractions, as well as tips and strategies for keeping yourself and others safe.


Diversity in the Workplace

This training provides you with insights into protected categories and groups, the goals and advantages of building a diverse workforce, and methods of fostering a culture of belonging and inclusion.


Driving Defensively

This training provides the information employees need to drive defensively. Topics include identifying potential hazards, anticipating other drivers' actions, and applying appropriate response techniques.


Driving Safety: The Basics

This training on Driving Safety provides the information employees need to drive cars, vans and small trucks safely, both on and off the job.


Electrical Safety

This training describes the basics of electricity, including voltage, current, resistance, and the role of conductors, insulators, and grounding in electrical safety. It will also explain how electric circuits work and how our bodies can inadvertently become part of these paths.


Eye Safety

This training will discuss potential eye hazards and injuries. It will explain the different types of eye protection and how to determine the type needed for any given job. You will learn how to prevent eye injuries, how to handle an accident, and how to report them.


Fighting Fatigue in the Workplace

This training on Fighting Fatigue in the Workplace discusses the causes of fatigue, the hazards that it creates and what employees can do to avoid it.


Fire Prevention in the Office

This training on Fire Prevention in the Office looks at what causes office fires and what can be done to prevent them as well as what employees should do in case of a fire emergency.


First Aid

This training will orient you to the major categories of risk and types of first-aid, give you an overview of the supplies and equipment involved, describe what to do before choosing to administer first-aid, and walks you through some of the steps for performing first-aid for common injuries and illnesses


First Aid in Construction Environments

This training discusses what employees should do and not do when someone is sick or injured, and how to determine when they should call for emergency assistance.


Fitness and Wellness

This training shows employees how small changes in lifestyles can produce big benefits. While wellness is a gradual process, eliminating negative lifestyle factors can help keep employees healthy.

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