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Supported Scaffolding Safety in Construction Environments

This training helps facilities comply with OSHA's Scaffolding regulation (29 CFR 1926.451). Explains the dangers, and how to minimize risks by knowing the correct ways to erect, maintain and use scaffolding equipment.


Trenching & Shoring Safety in Construction Environments

This training describes how to safely begin an excavation by taking the proper precautions to avoid hazards like cave-ins. Also included are proper digging practices, setting up the correct protective systems, and safety protocols


Tuberculosis in Healthcare Environments

This training describes how to identify TB risks, implement effective control measures, utilize PPE and respirators correctly, and conduct TB screening and testing. It also emphasizes the importance of educating and training your team and ensuring everyone is equipped to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.


Using Fire Extinguishers

This training on Using Fire Extinguishers looks at different types of fires, discusses how they should be put out, and explains how employees can use extinguishers effectively and safely if a fire emergency occurs.


Walking and Working Surfaces

This training discusses OSHA’s standards for maintaining workplace surfaces. It will cover the essential aspects of slip, trip, and fall hazards, fall protection and falling object hazards, and workplace surface load capacity – integrating practical, OSHA-compliant strategies to mitigate these risks.


Warehouse Safety

This training will help you identify and respond to potential warehouse and distribution center hazards. No matter what type of warehouse work you do, it’s important to understand the hazards that may be associated with it.


Welding Safety

This training explores the protocols necessary to operate safely and effectively in any hot work environment. Topics covered include equipment best practices, risk assessment techniques, and emergency response procedures.


Winter Safety

This training discusses how to protect yourself from cold-related hazards through the appropriate use of clothing and PPE.


Workplace Harassment in Industrial Facilities

This training discusses the various types of harassment that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee's work situation and what employees themselves can do to help prevent workplace harassment.


Workplace Harassment in the Office

This training discusses the various types of harassment that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee's work situation and what employees themselves can do to help prevent workplace harassment.


Workplace Stress

This training will explore the symptoms of stress, how to identify stressors within ourselves and others we work and live with, and how stress affects the body and mind. It also examines how improving work-life balance can assist in better management of stress.


Workplace Violence

This training shows employees how to recognize the warning signs of possible violent behavior, as well as how to avoid or defuse potentially dangerous situations.

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