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Managing the Survey Process - A Guide For Health Care Providers

This course covers how to adequately prepare for the survey, manage the survey, and accurately present the best of all that you do for your residents. 1 CEU


MDS 3.0 - Cognitive Patterns, Mood, Behavior, Discharge Plan

The rollout of MDS 3.0 represents one of the most significant changes in the history of the long-term care industry, and we must all be prepared to not only implement MDS 3.0, but to capitalize on the many opportunities that the MDS 3.0 offers.1 CEU

Text: "Ask the HR Expert"

Meaningful Engagement - Creating a Failure Free Activity Program

In an ideal world, the delivery of Activity programs and services would be based on the needs, interests, personal preferences and customary routines of our residents. True? Of course! But can this “ideal” become a “reality”? 1 CEU


Medical Records Documentation - What to (and What NOT) to Document

Skilled medical records documentation will support the quality care that we provide. Incomplete, or inappropriate documentation may reduce reimbursement, precipitate survey deficiencies and may even result in substantial fines and penalties. 1 CEU


Montessori Based Activity Programs and Services - An Emerging Best Practice

This course discusses how The Montessori method can afford individuals with dementia the opportunity to remain engaged in meaningful life activities at their highest level. 1 CEU


Our Angry Resident – Causes and Creative Approaches to Care

This course covers the challenges of patient anger and how to identify the causes or antecedents, in order to address the situation as well as to prevent, if possible, its reoccurrence. 1 CEU


Part 1 of 3 - Bringing it Back to the Basics - Cleaning and Disinfection Tidbits I Wish I had Known as a Novice IP

This course will lay the foundation for what all Infection Preventionists (IPs) need to know about cleaning and disinfection, build upon the basics to explore how environmental cleaning and disinfection has changed with the pandemic and look to the future to explore innovations that may evolve how IPs address key challenges. 1 CEU

three green apples staring at a red apple

Part 2 of 3 - The Current State of Healthcare Environmental Cleaning & Disinfection in the Era of COVID-19

This course will provide an introduction to a new evidence-based stewardship framework which highlights the importance of environmental cleaning and disinfection. This framework will lay the foundation for the environmental cleaning and disinfection program. 1 CEU

ehs mobile app

Part 3 of 3 - Environmental Infection Prevention - A Peek into The Future

This course will describe how new and emerging technologies may impact environmental cleaning and disinfection. 1 CEU


Person Directed Care - Beyond The Medical Model

This course covers and overview of Peron Directed Care. This model focuses on how staff can come to know their residents as individuals - and then utilize this understanding in the delivery of individualized, resident centered care. 1 CEU


Preventing Abuse and Neglect - What WE NEED TO KNOW

This course covers the various types of abuse and neglect, and how to define the process for mandated abuse reporting. The content of this class is appropriate for all who provide care for at risk older adults. 1 CEU


Re-Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies for Patient and Healthcare Worker Safety During Challenging Times

This course will review the necessary elements of infection prevention and control to ensure ongoing safety and continuity of clinical operations in a variety of healthcare settings and discuss how the COVID-19 Pandemic has created unique and long-lasting impacts on the global healthcare delivery system. 1 CEU

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