Vera Suite Training Courses

Workplace Violence Prevention and Active Shooter Response: New York
This general awareness training for employees and managers covers types of workplace violence, warning signs, and responding to workplace violence situations, including active shooter response. It includes New York state specific requirements.
Workplace Violence: Coworker Confrontations
This training discusses types of workplace violence, including warning signs and behaviors, employee and employer responsibilities in preventing and reporting incidents, and components of a workplace violence prevention program.
Workplace Violence: Healthcare and Social Services
This training covers the types of workplace violence that employees in healthcare and social services may encounter. It includes risk factors, elements of a prevention program, and program controls.
Workplace Violence: Late-Night Retail
This training covers the types of workplace violence that employees in late-night retail positions may encounter. It explains risk factors, elements of a prevention program, and program controls.
Adverse Action
This training addresses all scenarios in which Adverse Action Notices must be delivered to credit applicants. It also includes penalties for noncompliance with regulations.
Advertisement Checklist Tool
This tool helps front-end managers evaluate advertisements at their dealership based on best practices and advertising regulations.
Advertising Best Practices
This training walks through best practices surrounding dealership advertising. It covers Truth in Lending, Regulation Z, the Clear and Conspicuous Standard for displaying disclosures and disclaimers, and deceptive advertising practices.
Advertising Compliance Training
This training covers advertising compliance requirements and the FTC's rule Combating Auto Retail Scams, known as the CARS Rule. It includes requirements and expectations for dealers and how they can protect their consumers and avoid legal ramifications.
At the Desk (Fair Lending, Desking, and Spot Delivery)
This training outlines best practices surrounding fair lending, desking, and spot delivery. It includes the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Financing Rate Modification Disclosure Form.
California Consumer Privacy Law - CCPA and CPRA
This training describes the types of businesses and information that are covered by California consumer privacy laws, the rights of consumers under the law, and the obligations imposed on businesses covered by them.
CA - Retail Installment Sale Contract (RISC) for California Dealers
This training covers the proper completion of the Retail Installment Sale Contract (RISC). Specifically designed for CA dealers, this course covers best practices and common pitfalls when filling out the form to avoid significant fines and penalties resulting from non-compliance.
CA - Foreign Language Transactions for California Dealers
This training outlines how to properly conduct foreign language transactions, including the laws involved, the consequences of non-compliance, and best practices.