Vera Suite Training Courses

Risk Based Pricing Rule
This training discusses the Risk Based Pricing Rule and Credit Score Disclosure Exception Notice for auto dealerships. It covers the methods used to determine who should get a Risk Based Pricing Notice, how to comply, and exemptions to the rule and notice.
Signage and Licensing at California Dealerships
For front-end sales employees, this training covered five common signs that a California Dealership’s sales department must have. It also included best practices for signage compliance.
ViewService Drive: Back to Basics for California Dealers
This training explains the requirements for documenting automotive repairs from the initial estimate to the final invoice. It includes common pitfalls that make facilities easy targets of administrative or legal action.
Unfair, Deceptive and Abusive Acts and Practices
This training addresses Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) violations at a dealership. It covers deceptions, misrepresentations, improper disclosures, and the laws and penalties associated with UDAAP violations.
Backhoe Safety
This micro-content training discusses how to stay safe when working with or around a backhoe. It includes general best practices to follow for before and during backhoe operations.
Chop Saw Safety
This training discusses basic handling information for the chop saw, also known as the miter saw. It includes hazards to be aware of, how to inspect, procedures to follow, and general personal protective equipment to wear.
Effective Feedback
This microcontent topic covers how managers and supervisors can give helpful feedback. It includes elements of effective feedback with examples and best practices to follow.
Falls from Same-Level Walking Surfaces
This micro content training covers hazards to look out for and ways to prevent a fall from the same-level walking surface.
Fire Cabinets
The micro-content training covers general cabinet requirements and how to properly use flammable fire cabinets, also known as flammable storage cabinets.
Hard Hat Safety
This microcontent training covers types and classes of hard hats and safety guidelines for wearing them.
Healthy Work-Life Balance
This training discusses examples of what good work-life balance looks like as well as tips that can be used to maintain it.
Man Lift Safety
This general awareness micro content training covers best practices to follow to stay safe when working with man lifts.