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Hand Injury Prevention

This training covers proper hand safety while working in the automotive industry. Common types of hand injuries, hazards, and prevention methods, including SOPs, inspections, maintenance, machine guarding, and personal protective equipment, are also discussed.


Hazard Communication Awareness

This general awareness training covers how information about hazardous materials is communicated in the workplace. The course includes how to read hazard labels and safety data sheets as well as the importance of the written program and training.

Magnifying The Paper Cut Out Human Figures

Hazard Communication for Managers

This training for managers is intended for use in conjunction with Hazard Communication Awareness training. It covers the requirements of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard and the elements of an effective program.


Hazard Recognition

This general awareness training covers hazard recognition in the workplace. It includes tips on how to recognize hazards and an overview of best practices for responding to them.


Hazardous Waste Generator - RCRA

This training covers the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and shares best practice guidance to help hazardous waste generators properly follow all hazardous waste regulations so that the environment stays protected.

KPA - New York Top Safety Issues Cover

Hazardous Waste Management for Massachusetts

This supplement to the Federal Hazardous Waste Management course discusses hazardous waste regulations specific to the state of Massachusetts, including 310 CMR 30.144. Topics include proper labeling, storage, and disposal of waste oil as well as determining generator status.

KPA - Florida Top Workforce Safety Issues Cover

Health Benefits of Water-Based Exercise

This short wellness training reviews the benefits of water-based exercise and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle.


Healthy Aging

This short wellness training discusses simple ways to stay healthy and active as you age.


Healthy for the Holidays

This short wellness training focuses on how to stay healthy through the holiday season. Topics include managing stress, getting good sleep, and supporting your immune system.


Hearing Conservation

This awareness-level training goes over the common elements of a hearing conservation plan. It also includes the hazards of noise overexposure and how to use hearing protection properly.

silhouetted male considering abusive workplace conduct prevention

Heart Health

This short wellness training covers the topic of heart health. Tips for avoiding heart disease, such as healthy eating and exercise will be covered as well as the warning signs of a heart attack.


Heat Illness Prevention (Heat Stress)

This training covers the common types of heat illness and how those working in hot environments can avoid them. It includes warning signs, how to respond in an emergency, steps you can take to lower your risk, and common controls.

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