You’re about to make a big hire for your organization, and you’re down to 2 candidates. Do you go with the competent, nice person or the superstar jerk?
The average KPA client achieves an experience modifier of 90% by the 2nd year of using the platform. What does that translate to in actual savings? Find out here.
By moving from a 10-point scale to a 6-point scale, businesses can eliminate an “expression of bias” that perpetuates the gender gap in performance reviews.
Workers comp insurance is expensive—but it’s not a fixed cost. Lower your ex-mod and you’ll lower your premium. Here are a few practical ways to do just that.
We’re looking at best practices—and issues to look out for—related to discipline and termination, starting with wrongful termination and EEOC retaliation claims.
From your location to your industry to your payroll, here are a few factors that providers consider when determining your workers’ comp insurance premium.
To truly differentiate themselves, foster consumer loyalty, and grow their businesses, agencies and brokerages must provide clients with value-added services.