Online Training Courses
Grievances - Guidelines for Social Services
Grievances, complaints and concerns arise in even the best of facilities. It is how the facility responds and how empowered residents and their families feel following a grievance report that ultimately will define the quality of the facility. 1 CEU
ViewImproving Hand Hygiene in the Healthcare Setting
This course featuring Dr. Boyce, an internationally recognized expert on hand hygiene, covers the guidelines for hand hygiene, barriers to compliance and how can you be an ambassador for infection prevention in your office or facility. 1 CEU
ViewIn Pursuit of Control - Autonomy, Self-Determination and the Empowered Resident
This course covers how to satisfy residents need to control their environment when they live within an environment which often limits the opportunity for choice. 1 CEU
ViewIn Pursuit of Intimacy - Sexuality and the Aging Resident
Expressions of intimacy among nursing home residents - especially those with cognitive impairment and/or dementia are often ignored, responded to with prejudice or responded to with inconsistency due to lack of understanding. 1 CEU
ViewInfection Prevention in Long Term Care - Focus on the Environment
This training describes the epidemiologic important pathogens in the long-term setting, as well as emerging ones. It will define key steps needed to create an effective and successful environmental cleaning and disinfection program in the long-term care setting. 1 CEU
ViewInterdisciplinary Care Planning
The Interdisciplinary Treatment Team (IDT) needs to view the Care Plan as a resident centered collaborative effort. Learn how to utilize the Care Plan, working together to enhance the care and quality of resident life. 1 CEU
ViewManaging the Survey Process - A Guide For Health Care Providers
This course covers how to adequately prepare for the survey, manage the survey, and accurately present the best of all that you do for your residents. 1 CEU
ViewMDS 3.0 - Cognitive Patterns, Mood, Behavior, Discharge Plan
The rollout of MDS 3.0 represents one of the most significant changes in the history of the long-term care industry, and we must all be prepared to not only implement MDS 3.0, but to capitalize on the many opportunities that the MDS 3.0 offers.1 CEU
ViewMeaningful Engagement - Creating a Failure Free Activity Program
In an ideal world, the delivery of Activity programs and services would be based on the needs, interests, personal preferences and customary routines of our residents. True? Of course! But can this “ideal” become a “reality”? 1 CEU
ViewMedical Records Documentation - What to (and What NOT) to Document
Skilled medical records documentation will support the quality care that we provide. Incomplete, or inappropriate documentation may reduce reimbursement, precipitate survey deficiencies and may even result in substantial fines and penalties. 1 CEU
ViewMontessori Based Activity Programs and Services - An Emerging Best Practice
This course discusses how The Montessori method can afford individuals with dementia the opportunity to remain engaged in meaningful life activities at their highest level. 1 CEU
ViewOur Angry Resident – Causes and Creative Approaches to Care
This course covers the challenges of patient anger and how to identify the causes or antecedents, in order to address the situation as well as to prevent, if possible, its reoccurrence. 1 CEU